Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday And Old Folks Day..............

so we headed to the casino. I lost and "B" much I don't know 'cause she ain't telling. We stopped at Wally World and finally got home about 1430, turned on the 'puter and found that 10 new caches had been placed. Well, we haven't searched for any yet, we had daylight, it wasn't too hot and there was a nice breeze blowing so we decided to go look for them.
At the first cache we met the cache owner and he said that "JJ" had already found that one and he already left for the desert. Well, there goes our chance for a FTF. I need a new GPSr for Christmas as mine seemed to be really "off" today. I'm trying to scramble up a gully and I hear Becky yelling "I got it!". She found it at the bottom of the gully. Away we went and found a few more until we got to a big rock pile. You know it's not going to be under the rock pile; however, you have no choice except to move every rock and then put them back. After moving a few hundred more rocks I finally made a Life-Line call and Becky found it soon after we had a sense of where it was. I hate rocks!
I think we found 8 or 9 today, at least there were enough to push me past the 1400 mark as I now have 1402 finds.
We talked to the two guys who placed these caches today and they said they have another 25 coming out in the next day or so. Good start for this year's Caching Season.
All for now.................I gotta go ice down my poor knee. W&B

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