Saturday, October 25, 2008

Put In Some Geocaching Time These...........

last two days. Four new caches came out last night and Becky and I decided to try and find them. It was too late to even think about getting that elusive First To Find; but, we managed to get them all. After we got home we found out that another cache had been published that we drove right by without knowing it was published. The local Caching Guru only works a few miles from the new caches so he was the first to find on all of them. This guy has been going nutso the last two days. The geocaching almost comes to a halt during the summer so guess you gotta make hay when the sun shines.

Yesterday we started out with an easy find in town and after that things got a little more difficult. See the second picture, there's a cache in there someplace, another friend Third Times the Charm came back to look for it again and with five of us looking he finally found it. This was just a preview of things to come. I had to make a lifeline call to the cache owner for the next was just a little bitty bush and after assurance that it was there, Becky poked it with her walking stick. We had to stop and photograph some wild burros.......they blend in too and if 3rdxC hadn't stopped we would have zoomed right on by them. Don's had a friend visiting from Finland and he was getting hooked on caching. He found several of the caches today. This the "JJ" the local cacher picking a huge piece of concrete off a cache. The devious cache owner said it "was not under a rock". The next one almost stopped us and required another life line call, someone disturbed a bunch of bees so we were glad to get out of there. Another rock pile..........this hide absolutely stumped us. This was JJ's first second trip out there and he said he stopped again today and the cache still remains unfound.

Hope no caches are published tonight........going out for breakfast at Ligurta and then maybe take it easy the rest of the day.

Later, W&B

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