Monday, September 10, 2007

Took A Trip On A Sailing Ship..........

on Saturday.....a day later then our original reservations. Long story, 10 of us showed up for the Branson Belle show/dinner on Friday evening, boarded the old tub and made our way to our table.....there were already people seated at it??? Jerry W. made reservations some time ago and after conversing with the occupants at our table they moved. (Don't mess with Texas, Jerry from Texas) While being seated Becky managed to spill a jug of wine on the table behind us (she hit it with her overnight bag). Finally the hostess showed up and after a lengthy "conversation" we managed to get kicked off the Branson Belle. We kept seeing people boarding with little name tags and thought "that's one hellava reunion!" Actually, it wasn't a reunion. A corporation has charted the entire boat for a special event so we really weren't part of the group. Jerry got a little fired up when a crew member looked at his ticket and said "that ticket was for last year", he was joking; but, Jerry bounced up to his full 68" height and 122 pounds and spouted something in a rapid fire Texas Drawl that few of us could understand.....the hostess got the picture though and the end result was she offered to reimburse Jerry for the tickets and offered us a "free dinner and show" for the Saturday afternoon cruise. Who said there's no such thing as a free lunch! That's the story of how we made a Friday evening cruise on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday we gathered at Scott and Suzie's place and drove down to the pier. Before we boarded we had our picture taken with the Branson Belle's "Belle", that's me, Jerry, "Belle", Scott and Jerry W. Took a few pictures before we boarded and at our dinner table. Another collage follows.

You'll probably see my previous attempts at getting the Saturday adventure posted....Blogger is still acting up. Just wade your way through the partial posts if they are still there as I tried to delete them. If you check and find them deleted, then just ignore the deletions.

It's now Monday, Becky and Suzie went up toward Springfield for dinner and bonding with Suzie's kids and Becky's relatives. Scott and I didn't Becky and Suzie some time together. Still at my brother's Condo for another two days and will move back to the M/H on Wednesday. The humidity is still killing us and rains continue to fall and the weather will probably take a turn for the better on Thursday when we leave here. Got about 300 miles to drive and then we'll spend a couple of days in Kansas boondocking with our Arizona friends, Suzannah and Frank, who are on their way to Ohio. Later. W&B

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