Friday, September 28, 2007

Guess What???..........................

we're back in Woodland again waiting for another Bryce football game that's happening tomorrow and Jayce's BD party is also scheduled for tomorrow. I was looking for pictures of the Twerp's last game a week ago but apparently Becky has already made a CD of them and they are no longer on my computer.......I should clarify that by saying they are no longer on Becky's computer.......actually her computer went belly up and I seem to have lost complete control of mine. She doesn't share too well! Hopefully she'll have a new computer in a week or so and I can get mine back. Now you know why I haven't updated my Blog.

I did find a few pictures taken on our way back from Branson so will share them. Along I-70 through Kansas there are some really neat rest stops. We stayed in one close to the Colorado border that even had "free wifi". The rest stops have a little "round a bout" that RVers can park in away from the noisy truck areas. Very nice. We found our first, and only, Colorado cache at a rest least we can add Colorado to our list. Becky took a picture of this humongous coyote howling at the sun/moon or whatever. The silhouette of the coyote was really quite large....the pic doesn't really show how big it was. We drove up to I-80 in Wyoming to continue our way West since I really didn't want to tackle the mountain passes west of Denver. At the highest point on I-80 is a rest stop that features a bust of Ole Honest Abe. West of Salt Lake City we pulled over and found this tribute to Jedediah Smith, saw this particular object along Salt Lake.........don't know what the hell it represents; but, it was kinda neat looking and Becky can't resist taking pictures of everything and anything. Pulled over at the Bonneville Speedway but unfortunately nothing was going on when we passed through.

After arriving in Corning we haven't done too much. The following week I'm making a speed run to Vancouver to get a root canal and follow up with some Dr. appointments. Get that stuff out of the way and we should be ready to hit the road again toward Arizona about the end of October. Watch this spot for any future updates..........if we win the lottery we'll be sure and post the news. Later. W&B

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