Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday Evening......................

and we're getting ready to get underway tomorrow. Hope to be on the road by 0900 and will try to make it to the Colorado border before it gets too dark. Kansas has a bunch of nice rest areas along I-70 so we'll probably hole up in one of them tomorrow night. Had breakfast with the troops this morning and Chuck & Wally left about 1300. Frank, Sue, "B" and myself made a run to Lawrence this afternoon to pick up some goodies and earlier Becky and I got our laundry chores out of the way. We should be good in that department until we get home. Plan to take our time and arrive at Steve and Rhonda's in Woodland early enough on Saturday to take in the twerp's football game...........think the game is about 0930........Yuk, we plan to stay in Reno on Friday night so that means we'll have to get up EARLY.

Frank and Suzannah also leaving for Ohio tomorrow morning. Enjoyed a most pleasant visit in Baldwin City and it was very special to meet some of Suzannah's kids.

Probably won't be on line again for awhile unless we find a "free" wifi hot spot somewhere on the road. Later. W&B

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