Thursday, June 14, 2007

About To Get Underway...................

Finally got the M/H back today........slide is working but I'm beginning to think it might have been worth it just hand cranking it in and out! Could have filled the gas tank three times with the $$$s it cost to diagnose and replace a slide controller. Oh well.................will just have to eat beans a little more often in the coming months.

We're still packing things up and hope to get out of here by 1000 tomorrow morning. We'll drive up to the Grants Pass area and stay overnight at the Rogue Valley State Park. At least the campground will be "no charge".

Figured I'd better give the old blog a quick update since I'll be taking the satellite dish down later this evening. We'll have three days at Brookings, OR so if I can get a clear view to the SE I'll set up the dish then............otherwise, don't know when we'll get back on line. Becky will just have to go through withdrawals.

That's about it for now. Later................... B&W

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