Thursday, May 10, 2012

Still Just Hanging In There............

doing knee exercises and letting "B" wait on me  hand and foot.  Nice if I can continue to milk it.  Probably won't last much longer as I had to fix my own breakfast this morning!!  Would have traveled out to "Old Folks" breakfast but knee was giving me some problems today. 

  My own fault as I probably overdid it yesterday.  Called VA in Redding to inquire about an eye exam........the guy said there was a 1500 cancellation if I could make it.  Told him I would so away we go.  An hour drive up there, about another hour for appointment/exam and then another hour drive home.  I had $34.67 travel pay burning a hole in my pocket so we stopped at our Chinese Food Joint in Red Bluff for an early dinner..........another hour away from the safety of Becky's recliner (she's been letting me use it) and by the time we got home I was in dire need of some rest. 

  Woke up this morning not moving too well as I did all the new exercises yesterday that the therapest added.  That didn't help much either.  Anyway, just kicking back and not doing much of anything today. 

  Had lawn care guy come in yesterday, he cleaned out the gutters, mowed the grass/weeds, edged the sidewalk and used weedeater all around the fence and house.  We were heading for Redding before he was done so I asked him "how much".  "20" he ses!!  I said, well you did the gutters also............he said, well "25" then.   I paid him $40.00 and he was happier then a possum eating crap out of a wire brush.  Think I'll keep him around. 

  Popped another pain pill so I think I hear the slots calling to me.........won $134.00 on last visit so feel obligated to give them a chance to recover.  Later.  W&B

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