Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Probably Outta Discontinue This Blog................

since I've not been keeping it up.  Haven't posted for so long that when I logged on my Blog Account everything had been changed so much so that I was lost for about an hour trying to figure out what Google had done to "make everything better"................OR so they say.
  Anyway I had my left knee surgery on April 25th, came home from the hospital on Saturday the 28th and here I sit watching it "heal".  Surgery a lot more involved this time around and recovery gonna take longer than I had anticipated.  At this point in  time, on my right knee, I had already thrown away the such luck this time and the walker will probably be my best friend for awhile.  Gonna see the Doc tomorrow for xrays and have him check it out. 
  Weather being very cooperative lately.  I made the mistake of dumping fertilizer and weed killer on the lawn before surgery and now the damn crab grass is growing like weeds.  Looking for someone to take care of the mowing chores without costing an arm and a leg.  Some guy is supposed to contact us.  "B" ses she "don't do lawns".  I'd kick her butt if I had two good legs to stand on.  So it goes. 
  More later if anything happens around here.  W&B

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