Thursday, May 17, 2012

Time Seems To Be Moving Quite Slowly................

as it seems to be the SOS every day.........get up, exercise knee, eat, exercise knee, eat and eat some  more with an eye on the tube between sessions. 

At lease we had a bit of a break yesterday as the Seattle "Rainbirds + TBD" were in the area for a couple of days.  Norm and Gerri, called and stopped by so we had a nice day with them.  Kinda warm; but, we managed to find a few caches, had lunch and revisited old caching days in Yuma.  Think they are pointed Northward today with a few stops on the way.  We might be in their area later on in July so hopefully we'll have some time to make a little detour in the Seattle area and say "Hi". 

Finished up with my In Home PT.............the Doc is sending me to outpatient therapy for 3 or 4 more weeks with three sessions per week.  Don't have any appointments set up yet; but, should get started next week. 

Just a note to let everyone know that we're still breathing and moving...........allbeit slowly.  Later.  W&B

Sunday, May 13, 2012

MaMa's Day About Over.......................

so we'll just kick back for the rest of the day.  The Pearson Troops drove up from Woodland to take MaMa/Grandma out for breakfast.  We had to visit 3 different eateries before we found one without a loooonnnng line.  Finally ended up at the Iron Skillet (truck stop) and it was busy busy also; but, at least we immediately found a table.  Breakfast was pretty good and "B" and I may have to add it to our list for  breakfast stops.  After breakfast we came home and Steve and I watched the Twerps argue, wrestle and play tricks on each other while Rhonda and Becky spent some bonding time.  They headed back to Woodland in the early afternoon as they had more stops for the day. 
  We watched the temp rise and finally decided to go back to the casino because all Mothers had $15.00 worth of slot play on their players cards.  "B", I think, left there with about $25.00 of their money and I broke even so it wasn't a bad trip.  Damn place was still crowded in mid afternoon. 
  Well, we're back home now and I got the A/C set for 78 so will ice down the knee and nap in front of the tube.  Later.  W& B

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Still Just Hanging In There............

doing knee exercises and letting "B" wait on me  hand and foot.  Nice if I can continue to milk it.  Probably won't last much longer as I had to fix my own breakfast this morning!!  Would have traveled out to "Old Folks" breakfast but knee was giving me some problems today. 

  My own fault as I probably overdid it yesterday.  Called VA in Redding to inquire about an eye exam........the guy said there was a 1500 cancellation if I could make it.  Told him I would so away we go.  An hour drive up there, about another hour for appointment/exam and then another hour drive home.  I had $34.67 travel pay burning a hole in my pocket so we stopped at our Chinese Food Joint in Red Bluff for an early dinner..........another hour away from the safety of Becky's recliner (she's been letting me use it) and by the time we got home I was in dire need of some rest. 

  Woke up this morning not moving too well as I did all the new exercises yesterday that the therapest added.  That didn't help much either.  Anyway, just kicking back and not doing much of anything today. 

  Had lawn care guy come in yesterday, he cleaned out the gutters, mowed the grass/weeds, edged the sidewalk and used weedeater all around the fence and house.  We were heading for Redding before he was done so I asked him "how much".  "20" he ses!!  I said, well you did the gutters also............he said, well "25" then.   I paid him $40.00 and he was happier then a possum eating crap out of a wire brush.  Think I'll keep him around. 

  Popped another pain pill so I think I hear the slots calling to me.........won $134.00 on last visit so feel obligated to give them a chance to recover.  Later.  W&B

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Made It To Saturday....................

and still hobbling around with my walker.........a little shaky to throw it away and just try using a cane.  I guess I'll get there eventually.  Saw the Old Doc on Thursday and said it looks "pretty good"; but, noticed some discoloration around the incision so he started me on antibiotics.  Cautioned against trying to get too active and said just work on getting the swelling down and then we can go to work on exercises.  My therapest stopped by on Friday and added a couple of more exercises.....also agreed to that I shouldn't try to do too much just yet.  So here I sit in the recliner eating bon bons and drinking Pepsi. 
  No one has told me that I needed to stick close to home, the therapest I had with the right knee insisted that I not venture out of the house for a minimum of two weeks.  So, we went out to breakfast this morning and then Becky was in a nervous wreck and had to visit the casino before she went into withdrawals.  I reluctantly agree to go along (since I wasn't driving) and managed to give my Red Brothers my weekly allowance..................I'll be back since the casino placed $50 in slot credit on my playing card for the month of May.  Didn't use it today.  I think Becky got $25 and spent most of that. 
  Weather doing great.........high 70s; but, supposed to warm up later in the week.  No need for the A/C yet.  Well, that's about all that's happening with us...........the May Madness is going on in Corning this weekend (old car show) and "B" probably forget about it as she just headed to the grocery store and Main Street is blocked off.  Maybe she'll see some of her old buds down town and spend a little time down there catching up on the local news.  All for now.  W&B

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Probably Outta Discontinue This Blog................

since I've not been keeping it up.  Haven't posted for so long that when I logged on my Blog Account everything had been changed so much so that I was lost for about an hour trying to figure out what Google had done to "make everything better"................OR so they say.
  Anyway I had my left knee surgery on April 25th, came home from the hospital on Saturday the 28th and here I sit watching it "heal".  Surgery a lot more involved this time around and recovery gonna take longer than I had anticipated.  At this point in  time, on my right knee, I had already thrown away the such luck this time and the walker will probably be my best friend for awhile.  Gonna see the Doc tomorrow for xrays and have him check it out. 
  Weather being very cooperative lately.  I made the mistake of dumping fertilizer and weed killer on the lawn before surgery and now the damn crab grass is growing like weeds.  Looking for someone to take care of the mowing chores without costing an arm and a leg.  Some guy is supposed to contact us.  "B" ses she "don't do lawns".  I'd kick her butt if I had two good legs to stand on.  So it goes. 
  More later if anything happens around here.  W&B