Wednesday, February 22, 2012

OK, OK.....So I Haven't Posted Anything...............

for longer than I can remember. Been bizzeeeee..........well sorta. Our big event is over, seems everyone had a good time and we're back to "kicking back" for awhile.

Check Becky's Blog for news and pics. I was too busy to even take any pictures............if you can believe that I'll tell you some more lies later.

Starting to heat up in the desert Southwest............over 80 today and will remain that way for the next few days.......maybe even weeks! We did laundry today and I turned on the A/C when we got home to put stuff away.

Starting to think about heading North the end of March.......we'll probably leave on April Fools Day as our rent for the lot is up on that day. Will take a few days to get home, have to be there before April 9. I got a doctor appointment with the knee Doc on the 9th and if all goes well I'll have the left knee fixed on April 25. Hopefully things will go as well as the right knee fix and we should be good to hit the road the later part of June..............if gas doesn't go over $5.00 a gallon by then. Oh well, if it does we'll just cut down on the food............wouldn't hurt either of us to starve for awhile.

Well, nothing going on here.........just wanted to let everyone know we're still alive and kicking. Later. W&B

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