Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wow! Still In A Heat Wave................ we both kicked back and did NOTHING today. Never even started the car to go anyplace. In the morning I hauled my chair over to the neighbor's shady spot (he left for 10 days & not back yet) under his awning and watched the world go by. Sun moved to overhead and no shade anyplace so moved back to the M/H. It started to get HOT so I hung in there until a shady spot returned on the side of our M/H. Breeze blowing so spent most of the afternoon in my lounge chair dozing away. Snoozed, drank Pepsi and don't know what Becky was doing. I finally wandered back to the M/H and she's sitting reading. I checked the thermostat and it was 91 degrees in the coach and Becky is completely unaware of how HOT it was.............she thought it was "just right". Go figure.

Went back to my lounge chair for the rest of the afternoon. Some friends (fellow cachers) stopped by to crack the combination on my latest geocache........I took pity on them and gave them a hand. So far no one has been able to open the lock without help. I even give them the combination............all they have to do is try a couple hundred, or more, combinations to open the lock. Then, when they do, they find another combination lock on the inside. Some people don't even attempt it. I call the cache "Revenge".

Got a couple of high school class mates arriving early Saturday morning for a "mini reunion" over the weekend. Should be fun...........haven't seen one of them since 1957 when we joined the Navy together. This weekend is "Midnight At The Oasis"..........Yuma's answer to Reno's Hot August Nights. There'll be a bunch of activities and many, many old Classic cars in town. Always enjoyable to go check them out again.

That's all folks.........hope the heat wave doesn't hang around for too much longer. W&B

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

OK, OK.....So I Haven't Posted Anything...............

for longer than I can remember. Been bizzeeeee..........well sorta. Our big event is over, seems everyone had a good time and we're back to "kicking back" for awhile.

Check Becky's Blog for news and pics. I was too busy to even take any pictures............if you can believe that I'll tell you some more lies later.

Starting to heat up in the desert Southwest............over 80 today and will remain that way for the next few days.......maybe even weeks! We did laundry today and I turned on the A/C when we got home to put stuff away.

Starting to think about heading North the end of March.......we'll probably leave on April Fools Day as our rent for the lot is up on that day. Will take a few days to get home, have to be there before April 9. I got a doctor appointment with the knee Doc on the 9th and if all goes well I'll have the left knee fixed on April 25. Hopefully things will go as well as the right knee fix and we should be good to hit the road the later part of June..............if gas doesn't go over $5.00 a gallon by then. Oh well, if it does we'll just cut down on the food............wouldn't hurt either of us to starve for awhile.

Well, nothing going on here.........just wanted to let everyone know we're still alive and kicking. Later. W&B

Friday, February 10, 2012

Same Old Stuff....Different Day..........

.....been battling a "heat wave" the last few days and it may continue. Lucky we've had a breeze to go along with the heat so it's tolerable. We've continued our laid back ways, geocaching ever now and then, a couple of excursions into the desert, winning a little and losing a little at the old casino, eating out and sleeping.

Went back and saw the eye doctor again.......different doc, this time I saw the Big Cheese. Went through the eye exam and he said that cataracts ARE causing my right eye vision problem. Got another appointment on Tuesday for more info and probably set up an appointment for surgery. He said my left eye is going to get to that point too. Depends on the time frame so might consider getting both done if we have time before we leave toward the end of March. Never saw so many OLD PEOPLE in one place then when I walked in the door of his office. Couldn't even find a chair to sit down so I asked how long the wait would be. Was told 45 minutes behind. Yeah, Right! Nearly 3 hours later I was the last one to leave the office. With that many suckers........I mean patients, I gotta assume that he's pretty good at the cataract surgery. Will see.

Our breakfast coming up this Sunday and then the Big Event a week later so looks like the next two weekends are outlined for us. I'll probably be handling the 50/50 raffle again.............which is great 'cause I figure there'll be a dollar for the raffle, a dollar for me, etc. etc etc. Should spice up my gambling fund.

Time flying by this year...........we'll be heading back North before we know it. Also gotta make a decision on my left knee within the next week as I need to give my knee Doc about 2 months lead time. Decisions, decisions.

All you folks in the cooler climates........just hang in there it'll be warm weather and sunshine before you know it! W&B