Sunday, July 3, 2011


.losing my Jeep keys must have been a bad omen 'cause old Jeep been costing me money since we arrived in WA. Our friend, Judy, searched the Honda, garage and house for my keys and they weren't in sight. Getting to know the dudes at Curly's Locksmith shop pretty well.......and I should as I spent a sizeable fortune there in getting key duplicated and then the remote control also. Finally back in business again with the Jeep.............until yesterday when Dug and I were taking the RZR to go to Sand Lake. Got up about 0500, drove to Dug's house and we loaded up the trailer..........I was about ready to take off and Dug said "better check the lights"...............I didn't have any brake lights. Brake lights kept blowing fuses so we parked the trailer, found out the dealership was open on Saturday and they said they had an opening. About 6 hours later I get the Jeep back............two $5.00 resistors in the tail lights were causing the problem. These were installed when the tow lights were hooked up. It cost $250.00 for labor to find and replace the resistors!

Well, that shot the day although Becky and Tami managed to have lunch at a place where they had been trying to get to for the last 3 years. Then they went to Otto's in Portland for some Fourth of July sausages/hot dogs. Otto's was featured on Food Networks Diners, Driveins and Dives a few years ago and we've been getting some of their hot dogs everytime we're in town. We're invited for a cook out and "blow up the neighborhood" event at Kevin's and Beckys house. We've gone there the last couple of years so will take along the dogs as most of the attendees really like Otto's sausages. The Twerps hooked me for fireworks on the first day so they have a good deal of fireworks to set off..........that is if they have any left by the time the Fourth rolls around.

Weather been great the last few days......until today which is overcast cast and we've had a few rain drops falling. Nothing to get excited about and it's supposed to warm back up tomorrow. Sure hope the good weather holds for our annual trip to the sand dunes at Coos Bay.

Well, that's about it for the last few days.........I slept in until 0900 this morning, probably because I got up too early yesterday. Becky will probably be posting pics on her Blog after our Fourth outing. Later. W&B

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