Sunday, May 22, 2011

Been Another Long Week..................... I went in for surgery to have gall bladder removed on Wednesday and the Doctor sprang me from the hospital this afternoon. Supposed to have been an hour or so to remove gall bladder such luck. I had surgery 25 or 26 years ago and the Doc found my belly to be quite a mess from previous surgery. All kinds of scar tissue and the small intestine wasn't located where it was supposed to be. The Doc spent about 2 hours fixing those problems and then another hour to take out the gall bladder. It was in pretty bad shape........walls thickened, sludge and puss floating around in it and I had a 3 centimeter stone threatening to plug up the ducts. He took it out and I guess I spent over 3 hours in surgery. Anyway, he said it was "remarkable" that I was even walking around. I guess I could have been in serious trouble if I didn't get the surgery when I did. Good news is.......I'm starting to mend only it'll take about 6 weeks for recovery instead of 3 or so he originally estimated. Gonna slow down our exodus to the Pacific Northwest........just wanna get there in time to go duning at Coos Bay in July. Shouldn't have any problems making those date.

They have some more tests to run me through because of the gall bladder pathology report so gotta wait for those results. In the meantime Becky is acting as my "slave".........which will probably only last for today and possibly tomorrow and then back to "Do It Yourself!!" Oh well, I'll milk it as long as I can.

Anyway, that's where we are at this time for those of you who've been following our progress. More later, looks like I'll have a bit of time on my here I come! W&B

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Big Cold Snap Hits Corning...............

and we've been freezing our butts off! Didn't get out of the 50s today and it's breezy making everything seem like it's below zero!! Well, maybe I exaggerate somewhat.

The Junior Rodeo was held this weekend and since it's held a few blocks away we could hear the loudspeaker blasting away on Friday and Saturday. Must be over with 'cause I haven't hear a thing today. Kinda considered going over; but, weather cooled down and I'm not that much into the "cowboy" scene. Maybe next year.

Friday I saw a Suzuki Vitara offered for sale in Paradise, about 40 miles down the road, the price was right...........actually very good. So away we went to have a look at it........ran out pretty nice and it had A/C; but, the check engine light was on and it wouldn't pass SMOG. Finally decided that it wasn't for us. Anyway, we checked out Paradise, got lost once, stopped at Costco in Chico so the whole day wasn't a total loss. Still looking for something with air conditoning so guess I will continue to look.

Made a few runs to the casino, lost some, won some so came out about "even" in our gambling. The casino is giving a $10.00 promotion on your player's card if you bring in a gas receipt for more than $10.00. Been filling up the Jeep and Honda a little at a time so Becky has about 4 entries in the daily drawing. They give away $100.00 a day in addition to putting the ten bucks on your card. What a gimmick to get you to stop by..............which is no biggie for us as we seem to make a daily run out there anyway. Being 10 minutes away doesn't help. So far no luck on the daily drawing.

Got pre-op appointment at the hospital tomorrow afternoon and still scheduled to go in for surgery on Wednesday. Other than that, nothing much happening here. Later. W&B

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


and not much happening. Coming back from Woodland I got a "check engine" light shining on the dash like a diamond in a goat's butt in the M/H. Called local Ford and they now have it and are checking it out. I "think" the power train is still under warranty as I have under 12,000 miles on it. Hopefully it'll get fixed under warranty. Time will tell.

Had a Dr. appointment on Monday with a surgeon in Red Bluff. I was referred to him after my bout with diverticulitis.............he said he didn't see any evidence of diverticulitis in the test results. However, he said I had a "classic VA gall bladder"...........I said "huh" and he explained that a lot of vets come in with a gall bladder similar to mine and usually they have no complaints; but, he highly recommended that I have it removed before I really have "problems". It was probably the gall bladder that was giving me fits instead of diverticulitis. Anyway, I finally said "OK" so I'll be going into surgery on May 18th to have my gall bladder removed. I probably won't miss it too much. He hopes to use arthoscopy procedures to remove it and I should be pretty much functional again in 3-4 weeks.

Other than that, nothing has been pretty nice for the most part and we haven't had any "heat" spells yet. Later. W&B

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mom's Day All You Mothers....................

here we sit in Woodland, came down Saturday morning and since the Fairgrounds was full up due to Highland Games we're sitting behind Brian's house, a couple of miles out in the country. He ran out an extension cord for us, we got shade trees and it's just like downtown........and quite! Only problem was, after we got up and Becky was headed for the shower, we lost electricity. I thought maybe we tripped a breaker in the house so plugged in the generator so Becky could finish her shower. The coach batteries are completely "dead". Probably ran low on water and cooked them since we keep it plugged in all the time. Anway, I found we did not trip a breaker, Brian has some pups in his back yard and apparently they were tugging on the cord and unplugged our electricity!

We drove to Mather for Bryce's games yesterday evening; but, Old Granny couldn't handle the "cold" so we left during the first game. Really nice little league park; but, it was windy and the old temp dropped rapidly after the sun went down. They had back to back games and didn't get home until around midnight. Then he had another game at 1000 this morning. Whew............too much for these old folks to handle so we skipped today's game.

Met Rhonda and Jace for breakfast at our favorite diner and then both Moms and the kid headed home and later this afternoon they'll go down to Davis. I opted out and drove out to Cache Creek Casino to give them some of my money.................and that I managed to do. Was getting beat up pretty badly and finally found a kind and gentle slot machine that helped me get some of my money back............not all of it; but, enough to make the trip an "entertainment" visit.

Well, I'm just gonna kick back at the M/H until they get back from Davis..........then we'll probably head home about 1700. Later. W&B

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Very Slow Lately.................. geocaching since we got home, although I replaced a cache that was missing, poor old RZR still sitting in garage, weather warming up a bit and Becky is still celebrating her birthday every chance she gets. Sunday we went to the Outback in Chico and Judy went with us.........the prices are MUCH higher in Chico's Outback than in Yuma. Went out to Dani's yesterday for a quick visit and found that her BD was down to Casa Roma's for another BD dinner for both of them. You'll have to check B's Blog for pics. End of BD celebrations (I think). Some people can sure milk it..........well maybe we're not done yet, probably going to Woodland this weekend so maybe another BD celebration.

My "money pit" Honda still running; but, I'm going to regret no A/C later I'm sure. Even been checking Craigs List for "something" cheap, w/AC and a gas saver; but, no luck. May have to live with my mistakes; but, 35+ mpg kinda makes it worth it. Our gas prices just went up yesterday to $4.29.

Well, I've done enough whining and since I'm feeling better it looks like I'd better get some things done around the yard. Later W&B