Monday, April 18, 2011


and just got home from a VA Eye appointment in Redding. Getting new glasses as the Doc confirmed that I was blind in one eye and couldn't see out the other. Also ordered some new sun glasses..........unfortunately VA won't pay for them........bummer! I did order a new pair and they only cost $79.00 so can't complain about that. Should have them in 2-3 weeks. We drove the little Honda to Redding and since they dialated my eyes Becky had to drive home. Boy, that was an experience as the Honda is a five speed. She hasn't driven one of those in a looooonnnngg time. Missed shifts, missed turns, jerkey starts, wrong gear, etc. etc. etc........but we got home; or I should say the casino. At Redding the VA pays you mileage on the spot after appointment so I had $33.85 cents burning a hole in my pocket. I gave my Red Brothers $6.00 of my ill gotten gains and I think Becky won a few bucks so we came on home. Filled up the little Honda and it gave us an amazing 36.5 mpg. A lot of the last tank of gas was highway miles so that's not too bad. I still have to fix the radio so I can't hear the various clunks as we tool down the road.

Headed for Woodland for the Twerp's BD, Bryce, and pulled in kinda late on Friday afternoon. Put the Jeep in the shop to get it set up for towing and after messing with that for awhile we got a late start. I asked them to change the plug on the electrical connection............which they didn't and of course I didn't find that out until I hooked it up ready to tow. Made a speed run to Napa and bought a new plug. Naturally the wiring diagram didn't match the wires in the cord so was kinda guessing until I figured out that all I had to do was check the other connector and wire it the same. I'm kinda slow about these things so we got on the road late.

Got to the baseball game a little late but we arrived in time to see Bryce's team beat a previously "undefeated" team. They were pretty happy.

Saturday was the official BD party and that was held at Brian's house out in farm country. Don't know how many kids showed up; but, they all had a great time playing volleyball and baseball. Hot dogs, ice cream and cake and then the "Old Grandparents" slowly faded away as the sun went down. We started home and Becky decided she needed her "gambling fix" at Cache Creek off we go. Didn't spend too much time there; but, I managed to win a few dollars, about the same amount that Becky lost.

Sunday was gonna be breakfast time; but, the party goers must have partied too long and hard so Becky and I went to our favorite diner for breakfast sans the rest of the group. Gravy still pretty good. We headed home and got back to Corning about 1300. Had to mow the lawn before I parked the motor home and we finally got everything sorta squared away late Sunday evening. It was "crash and burn" time again for us then.

Got a dental appointment at the VA early tomorrow morning and after that no more medical appointments for awhile!!! Yipee!

That's about it for this neck of the woods. W&B

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