Friday, April 29, 2011

Been A Looong Week...........

starting late Sunday afternoon when I began having "tummy" a lot of pain in lower abdomen. Blamed it on B's cooking and tried to go to bed and get some sleep. Didn't work so I had her take me the Hospital early Monday. They ran tests, ran some more and than ran another one. First they said I was full of "poop" (I told them a lot of people would agree), they got this info from xray taken. Then they ran a CAT scan and said I had diverticulitis; but, they need an Sonogram ran also. This last test revealed a stone in the gall bladder. They prescribed antibiotics and sent my butt home. Been an up and down week and today was the first day the antibiotics really kicked in and I'll probably live another day! Saw a local doc on Thursday and she said everything looked "OK" to her and advised me of a diet to follow...........of course, return if you continue to have problems. I had a bout with diverticulities about 25 years ago so don't want to go through that again........maybe I'll follow her advice. As for a gallstone, she said a "lot" of people had them; but, they didn't show up unless tests were ran for something else. She said I was too old to worry about it........unless I wanted the gall bladder out as elective surgery. End of conversation.

Had Old Roy stop by today to fill in the space between the house and one next door. He dumped a couple loads of gravel there, packed it down and now I'll be able to park the M/H in the space he fixed up. Besides stick close to home that was the extent of our week.

Becky's BD on Sunday so we might drive down to Woodland tomorrow for an overnighter and let the Twerps help her celebrate..........depends if I feel like driving the M/H down. We'll have to wait and see in the morning.

Oh yeah, my "Money Pit" Honda was back in the shop to recharge the A/C............didn't happen, dead A/C compressor. A new compressor would cost more than the car did so looks like I'll be using the old "4/70" method of A/C this summer.

That was our week..........sure hope yours was better. W&B

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Where Did The Week Go..........

here it is Saturday and I can't remember if anything happened this last week or not. I have some faint recollection of visiting the casino a few times, got some eye ball glasses ordered and have a couple of appointments with the dentist down the road, took Honda to the shop and it looks like I might have a "money pit" going. Only good's still giving me 35+ mpg. Weather gonna get warm so I had the local shop check out the A/C. It needs to be recharged, compressor is working so they'll fill it, check for leaks and hope they don't find any.........kinda doubtful though since it's empty of freon, or whatever it uses. Old system that hasn't been converted; but, they have the goodies to recharge it.........only it's spendy. Gotta have that A/C though when it starts to heat up around here.

I was gonna take the RZR up to an OHV park near Redding the last weekend of the month. An off-road club out of Redding is sponsoring a Poker Run on the 30th. I gathered all the info I needed and then Becky ses......"aren't we going to Woodland that weekend?" I say, "what for???". She ses "my BD". "Oh" I ses. ?????

So, that's where we are at this time. Woodland kids always have things going on weekends so they might have conflicting plans. I mentioned my old stand by.........."we could make a speed run to Reno........if the Honda could get there and back"??? "B" ses "that'd be OK too". So that's a possibility. Time will tell.

More later. W&B

Monday, April 18, 2011


and just got home from a VA Eye appointment in Redding. Getting new glasses as the Doc confirmed that I was blind in one eye and couldn't see out the other. Also ordered some new sun glasses..........unfortunately VA won't pay for them........bummer! I did order a new pair and they only cost $79.00 so can't complain about that. Should have them in 2-3 weeks. We drove the little Honda to Redding and since they dialated my eyes Becky had to drive home. Boy, that was an experience as the Honda is a five speed. She hasn't driven one of those in a looooonnnngg time. Missed shifts, missed turns, jerkey starts, wrong gear, etc. etc. etc........but we got home; or I should say the casino. At Redding the VA pays you mileage on the spot after appointment so I had $33.85 cents burning a hole in my pocket. I gave my Red Brothers $6.00 of my ill gotten gains and I think Becky won a few bucks so we came on home. Filled up the little Honda and it gave us an amazing 36.5 mpg. A lot of the last tank of gas was highway miles so that's not too bad. I still have to fix the radio so I can't hear the various clunks as we tool down the road.

Headed for Woodland for the Twerp's BD, Bryce, and pulled in kinda late on Friday afternoon. Put the Jeep in the shop to get it set up for towing and after messing with that for awhile we got a late start. I asked them to change the plug on the electrical connection............which they didn't and of course I didn't find that out until I hooked it up ready to tow. Made a speed run to Napa and bought a new plug. Naturally the wiring diagram didn't match the wires in the cord so was kinda guessing until I figured out that all I had to do was check the other connector and wire it the same. I'm kinda slow about these things so we got on the road late.

Got to the baseball game a little late but we arrived in time to see Bryce's team beat a previously "undefeated" team. They were pretty happy.

Saturday was the official BD party and that was held at Brian's house out in farm country. Don't know how many kids showed up; but, they all had a great time playing volleyball and baseball. Hot dogs, ice cream and cake and then the "Old Grandparents" slowly faded away as the sun went down. We started home and Becky decided she needed her "gambling fix" at Cache Creek off we go. Didn't spend too much time there; but, I managed to win a few dollars, about the same amount that Becky lost.

Sunday was gonna be breakfast time; but, the party goers must have partied too long and hard so Becky and I went to our favorite diner for breakfast sans the rest of the group. Gravy still pretty good. We headed home and got back to Corning about 1300. Had to mow the lawn before I parked the motor home and we finally got everything sorta squared away late Sunday evening. It was "crash and burn" time again for us then.

Got a dental appointment at the VA early tomorrow morning and after that no more medical appointments for awhile!!! Yipee!

That's about it for this neck of the woods. W&B

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Well, Things Kinda Looking Up Today.............

as we drove down to Willows to register the Honda...........fewer customers down there and we were in and out in about 15 minutes.

Stopped at casino for old folks breakfast and on the way out I dropped ten bucks in a slot and cashed in $76.00. Oh yeah, I got all but about $10.00 back from my recent Sunday loss on Monday................and I filled up the Honda with gas. It got just a little bit better than 33 mpg. Still have some things to check out on it as I keep hearing some different "noises". Radio doesn't work so maybe I'll fix that and just turn it up real loud so I can't hear any noise!

Been waiting for a call from a RV shop in Chico, gotta get some tow brackets installed on the Jeep and he's trying to locate some brackets.......hopefully they can install before Friday. If not, we'll have to drive two vehicles to Woodland for the weekend. Bummer. The quoted price from Chico for tow brackets is about $200.00 less than what the joint in Yuma wanted. Go figure.

Well, all for now as I gotta go down to the Olive Pit and pick up some Super Collosal Black Olives for the grandson in Washington. Later. W&B

Monday, April 11, 2011

Reckon I Outta Update..............

......let's see, what's happened for the last week............well, not much. Eat, sleep and visit the casino. Was doing OK at the casino until yesterday when they got into my knickers. Now about even since we got home. So it goes.

Got two VA doctor appointments out of the way last week, renewed prescriptions and Doc said I appeared to be doing "OK" least for an Old Fart. Got fitted for a hearing aid and hopefully will have it before we head North. Doc said they are about 2 months backlogged; but, she'll put a "rush" on my order. Got a VA dental appointment and appointment for eye exam next week. Slow process; but, at least it won't cost me anything out of pocket........they even pay me mileage!

Well, I found an old "beater" Honda Accord, 1990 model with high mileage. It ran very well; but, I still probably screwed up. I had to drive back up into the "hills" to check it out and I didn't get it on the highway during test drive. Mistake!! When I got it up to about 60-65 on the highway I could feel a vibration from the front. Got an oil change and had it checked a bad CV joint on one of the axles. Getting it replaced today.........upped my investment about another $200.00. Sure hope it doesn't become a "money pit".

Poor old RZR sitting in the garage getting place to run it. My neighbor is into off-road motorcycling and he said he knows some guys that run ATVs/Side by Sides and he'll get me a phone number to contact them. Would be nice getting hooked up with some others before it gets too hot around here. Speaking of doing pretty good now, cools down at night but into upper 60s and lows 70s during the day ..........that's OK.

We were going to Woodland this last weekend to take in Bryce's baseball games; but, he saved us from that trip by messing up his thumb in practice. They thought he had broken it; but, he has a bad sprain so it looks like he'll be out of commission for awhile. Bummer, as he's really into baseball. We'll be heading down to Woodland next weekend as his BD party will be held on Saturday. I imagine we'll go down on Friday and come back home on Sunday. Boy, these gas prices will probably slow us down faster than "Old Age".

Well, that's about it for the last week..........more if anything interesting happens. W&B

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Arrived Corning About...........

1400 this afternoon..........nice to be home, especially since we were fighting some very strong north winds all the way from Woodland. Got trailer unloaded and stored away and Becky cleaned out the M/H while I got the outside stuff done. We finally got tired of working so went to the casino for a bite to eat..............then of course we gambled.

Checked the mail and we both had flyers from the casino, mine said "We Missed You", here's $50.00 for you to use in April. Becky had $25.00 on her account. I played $40.00 of my "free" money and left the casino with an extra $48.00 in my pocket..........minus $18.00 for chow. Still, not too bad, guess we should stay away longer the next time.

Local gas is $3.98 a gallon at one of the truck stops. Everyplace else they're averaging about $4.07. Guess I'll start checking Craigs List for an older, cheaper to drive, vehicle. Found one the other day on line at Willows, about 30 miles south, a 1994 Toyoto Tercel they were asking $1,500.00 for it and advertised "cold A/C". Might be worth checking into.........I'm sure they'll take less $$$s then they're asking.

Man it's COLD and we're freezing our butts off........and the wind makes it worse. I've been wearing a light jacket ever since we got home.

As you can see, got internet hooked up and my MTV going so we're in business for awhile. Becky just went over to our friend's house to visit; but, I opted not to go. Our friend, Judy, lost her husband while we were in Arizona so it's nice for her to go visit her buddy. Judy mowed our yard while we were gone and checks on the house from time to time so Becky has been saving up books for Judy..........they both like to read those "dime" novels.

Got to Woodland Friday and stayed at the Fairgrounds. Had steak dinner at Rhonda and Steve's Friday evening. Then they went shopping on Saturday for Bryce...........his BD is coming up next weekend so we'll be chugging back down the road again Friday or Saturday. I had to visit Cache Creek casino while they shopped..........was getting beat up pretty badly and finally recovered all but $18.00 so felt lucky to minimize my losses and get the heck out of there. This casino brings them in by the busloads loads from Sacramento.........there were more chinamen there then you would find in Hong Kong.

Saturday evening Steve and Rhoda were invited out for a little get together at their "farmer" friends house so Becky and I were invited to tag along. Their friends, Bob and Natalie, just purchased a race horse so they were kinda celebrating. Bob is quite the bow hunter and bagged a moose with bow and arrow in Wyoming..........he cooked up moose steaks and ducks. We ate, and ate and then ate some more. Both the moose and duck were excellent! I think the moose steaks were better than buffalo.

Had breakfast at our favorite diner this morning and then headed home after I stuffed myself on Don's Diner gravy, biscuits, eggs and sausage..........hard to beat Don's gravy! Well, gotta turn up the heat and see what's on the tube. Later. W&B