Thursday, May 6, 2010

Got Home Tuesday Afternoon...............

just in time to make it to "old folks" dinner at the casino. Since we hadn't done enough gambling at Reno we gave it another try after dinner. Becky had $10 on her card for her BD so she played some of that...........I played for about an hour and broke even. Good thing.........'cause I need the money.

We stayed at Rhonda and Steve's before we headed to Reno and slept in Bryce's room.........I gathered up some dirty clothes and packed them away before we left...........didn't notice what I was doing and I grabbed Bryce's baseball uniform shirt. He's got a game tomorrow so Becky headed for Woodland to make the shirt delivery this afternoon. I was working on the M/H so didn't feel like making the trip and hung around here............did get the M/H washed and inside spiffied up a bit. Also changed some drawer latches..........Winnebago had a good idea; but, the latches don't hold up too well. Everytime time I make a right turn two drawers slide open. Changed them out so will contact Winnebago and see if they will reimburse me for new latches since we still have bumper to bumper warranty. Talked to the shop when they fixed the hydraulic jacks and the paperwork they would have had to do for a couple of latches would have been ridiculous............said the heck with it and just purchased two latches.

Got a VA appointment in Redding tomorrow afternoon for an eye examination so will buzz up there and see what they say. Last time I tried to get an eye exam they were backlogged for over six months.............this time it only took about 3 weeks to get an appointment. This was after I went to Costco, had an exam and ordered two pair of glasses! So it goes.

Becky wants to head back to Woodland for the weekend so it we get back from Redding at a reasonable hour we might load up the M/H and head on down for "Mother's Day" tomorrow evening. Otherwise we'll drive down Saturday morning.

Old Folks day at the casino again today so might head out that way for dinner if Becky doesn't drag her feet too much getting back from Woodland. Actually, I guess I don't have to wait for her.

Later. W

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