Friday, May 21, 2010

Dang!!...........Seems Like

every time I see a doctor all it does is create "more" doctor appointments. Must be a conspiracy that we can attibute to "Hussein" in some manner or other.

We kinda got an abbreviated summer schedule figured out........briefly here it is:

June 11 - Last doctor appointment.
June 12/13 - Depart for Washington/Oregon....take a few days to get there
June 17 - Playing at Sand Lake near Tillamook, OR
June 23 - Paradise Point State Park north of Vancouver, WA for 10 days
July 3-4 - Dug's house for Fourth of July
July 5 - Coos Bay Group head for the sand dunes at Horsfall for 5 days
July 10-13 - "B" and I at Wiliam Tugman State Park, north of Coos Bay
July 14 - Back to Paradise Point State Park for about 9 or 10 days
July 26 - Have to be in Chico, CA for a pre-operation Dr. appointment
Aug 9 - Finally, going to have right knee replaced.

August until ??? - Corning until the Doc ses I can start traveling again

That's it........unless something rolls around to mess it up.

Aside from attending a Geocaching Event in Red Bluff last weekend, we've been sticking pretty close to home. Have done a bit of caching; but, not too much.........should be out looking before the "heat" far weather been unusual for this time of the year......staying nice and cool and a bit of moisture falling off and on, enough to keep the weeds growing in the yard. Keeping my red brothers happy at the a bit, lose a bit and compensate with "free" cokes...........$20.00 "free" cokes!

Washington Morris' coming down for Labor Day Weekend and then we'll probably go down to Woodland for a day or so before we head North.

That's about it for us.............later W&B

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