Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nothing Happening Here.............

.....just giving our spare change to my "Red Brothers" on a regular basis and scoffing up on cheap food when it's Old Folks day at Rolling Hills. And........been trying to keep dry and warm the last few days. Dry and warm should be no problem starting tomorrow as the sun is supposed to return and temperatures forecast for low to mid 80s for the long weekend.

Washington Morris' should arrive late tomorrow night and Pearson group scheduled to stop by for breakfast on Saturday morning on their way to Chester for their Memorial Day weekend. Should be a nice get together since Washington and California troops have never met..........well I shouldn't say "never" as Dug and Rhoda have; but, their families haven't.

My red brothers have been getting rich off me lately; however, almost got even yesterday and today as I managed to escape with $173.00 of their money. Will wonders never cease! We had a "free wallet" night on Monday..........they give away wallets to the first 500 gamblers who show up with a card we received in the mail. This time "B" and I both received cards with the same date so we stood in line for about 20 minutes to collect some monies. Guaranteed to have at least $5.00 and up to $500.00 in the wallets. While we were standing in line waiting we were talking to a lady in front of us and she said that at the last give away she got lucky and found the $500.00 wallet! That renewed our interest..........but we both just ended up with another wallet and a $5.00 bill. Better than a stick in the eye I guess.

Saw a little old granny lady collect $7,500.00 off a $5 dollar machine a few days ago. Not too does happen on occasion.

Been watching the oil spill and hussein on the tube off and on all day's incredible that he would think anyone would actually believe anything he said at his press conference today!

Oh well............later. W&B

Friday, May 21, 2010

Dang!!...........Seems Like

every time I see a doctor all it does is create "more" doctor appointments. Must be a conspiracy that we can attibute to "Hussein" in some manner or other.

We kinda got an abbreviated summer schedule figured out........briefly here it is:

June 11 - Last doctor appointment.
June 12/13 - Depart for Washington/Oregon....take a few days to get there
June 17 - Playing at Sand Lake near Tillamook, OR
June 23 - Paradise Point State Park north of Vancouver, WA for 10 days
July 3-4 - Dug's house for Fourth of July
July 5 - Coos Bay Group head for the sand dunes at Horsfall for 5 days
July 10-13 - "B" and I at Wiliam Tugman State Park, north of Coos Bay
July 14 - Back to Paradise Point State Park for about 9 or 10 days
July 26 - Have to be in Chico, CA for a pre-operation Dr. appointment
Aug 9 - Finally, going to have right knee replaced.

August until ??? - Corning until the Doc ses I can start traveling again

That's it........unless something rolls around to mess it up.

Aside from attending a Geocaching Event in Red Bluff last weekend, we've been sticking pretty close to home. Have done a bit of caching; but, not too much.........should be out looking before the "heat" far weather been unusual for this time of the year......staying nice and cool and a bit of moisture falling off and on, enough to keep the weeds growing in the yard. Keeping my red brothers happy at the a bit, lose a bit and compensate with "free" cokes...........$20.00 "free" cokes!

Washington Morris' coming down for Labor Day Weekend and then we'll probably go down to Woodland for a day or so before we head North.

That's about it for us.............later W&B

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Attend Second Annual N.U.T.S. Geocache Event.........

today. Drove the M/H to Red Bluff so we'd have someplace to kick back. Didn't figure on doing too much in the way of geocaching so it worked out well. Costs $25.00 for electricity and water....which is kinda steep; but, they just started acknowledging Old Age passes so we got the campsite for half-price.

Event kinda spread out throughout the day, we got here in time for a hot dog lunch and then we had a pot luck dinner this evening. Not as many attendees as last year; but, people were in and out all day long.

Kinda warm today but has cooled down nicely after the sun went down. Got my MTV going and Becky has her internet so we're settled for the rest of the night.

Had to break out the portable satellite dish for the TV as this damn automatic system has a mind of its own...........worked for awhile and then it hung up on me. Found someone in the Portland area who can program the unit and get it working properly (hopefully) so will have him work on it when we get up North.

Going home tomorrow morning sometime. Been a nice day. W&B

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Finally Got In To See Ortho Doctor............

today. I'm scheduled for right knee replacement on August 9. Could have had it done the end of June; but, it would have messed up plans to travel up to the Pacific Northwest in mid June. Looks like we'll be returning to Corning around the week of July 21 since I need to go through a bunch of tests about 2 weeks before surgery scheduled to see if I can survive. He also took xrays of left knee. The OF took his time and answered any questions that I had.............seems OK to me.

Got a geocaching event this weekend in Red Bluff; but, think we'll only drive up on Saturday. It was billed as a "camp out" and from the list of attendees it doesn't look like too many will be "camping". We might drive M/H up on Saturday and stay overnight; but, not sure about that at this time.

Been making so many trips to Chico lately that the Suzy automatically heads that way when it starts didn't even try to turn toward the casino when we left this afternoon. However, we did have dinner at casino since it was "old folks" day again..........damn dinner cost me more than twice what it should have as machines were pretty stingy today.

Weather great...........although it might get "hot" this weekend as mid and upper 80s expected. Then maybe a chance of some moisture starting Monday.

Got one more appointment to see a rheumatologist on Monday and that should take care of my doctor stuff for awhile. "B" gotta see her dermotogist one more time before we leave here.........her bumps pretty much gone and we still don't know what causes them......??? It's a bitch to get "OLD".

Don't have a "go" date for traveling North yet; but, looking at week of June 13. Gotta get things set up to have Camping World install a Banks Power Pack system on M/H and then hope to be at Sand Lake to play in the dunes on June 18 weekend. Things kinda coming together...........would be great if everyone would just "Send Gas Money"!!!

Later. W&B

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sitting In Woodland...........

after attending baseball not doing too it "coaching" or is it the "coaching from the stands" that could be the culprit??

"B" and Rhonda are off to do some "shopping" or something so I headed back to the M/H after the game. I purchased a Cradlepoint Router before we left Yuma and finally got around to setting it up this morning while things are nice and quiet. It works with the USB Sprint modem that we have and we should be able to connect both computers at the same least that's why I got it. The Sprint modem works great here and in areas where there's a 3G connection so the old satellite system of Hughes might be going by the wayside in the very near future. Last night I was getting download speeds of just below 2 megs and uploads of 480 kb so that's seems pretty darn good to me. We have a 5 gig limit per month so will just use the modem exclusively and see how that goes.

About 1500 or so Rhonda has to go over towards Sacramento, or someplace, so "B" and I might try our "luck" at the casino. She received a BD card in the mail that she has to use this month for her "free" money.

Other than that don't know what's happening the rest of the weekend............sun is out, wind has died down so things are looking good.

Later. W&B

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Got Home Tuesday Afternoon...............

just in time to make it to "old folks" dinner at the casino. Since we hadn't done enough gambling at Reno we gave it another try after dinner. Becky had $10 on her card for her BD so she played some of that...........I played for about an hour and broke even. Good thing.........'cause I need the money.

We stayed at Rhonda and Steve's before we headed to Reno and slept in Bryce's room.........I gathered up some dirty clothes and packed them away before we left...........didn't notice what I was doing and I grabbed Bryce's baseball uniform shirt. He's got a game tomorrow so Becky headed for Woodland to make the shirt delivery this afternoon. I was working on the M/H so didn't feel like making the trip and hung around here............did get the M/H washed and inside spiffied up a bit. Also changed some drawer latches..........Winnebago had a good idea; but, the latches don't hold up too well. Everytime time I make a right turn two drawers slide open. Changed them out so will contact Winnebago and see if they will reimburse me for new latches since we still have bumper to bumper warranty. Talked to the shop when they fixed the hydraulic jacks and the paperwork they would have had to do for a couple of latches would have been ridiculous............said the heck with it and just purchased two latches.

Got a VA appointment in Redding tomorrow afternoon for an eye examination so will buzz up there and see what they say. Last time I tried to get an eye exam they were backlogged for over six months.............this time it only took about 3 weeks to get an appointment. This was after I went to Costco, had an exam and ordered two pair of glasses! So it goes.

Becky wants to head back to Woodland for the weekend so it we get back from Redding at a reasonable hour we might load up the M/H and head on down for "Mother's Day" tomorrow evening. Otherwise we'll drive down Saturday morning.

Old Folks day at the casino again today so might head out that way for dinner if Becky doesn't drag her feet too much getting back from Woodland. Actually, I guess I don't have to wait for her.

Later. W

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sitting In Reno........Broke, Hungry.....But

the weather has been terrific!

Friday and Saturday in Woodland, baseball and eating out and we left Sunday morning. Got here about 1300..........stopped at Boom Town, lost money and things haven't changed for me since then. Should have stayed home and gave my money to my "Red Brothers"!

Was watching my food intake the week before we left and actually lost a few pounds; however, have put them all back in the last 4 days.

Managed to attend one Ten Year Geocaching Event in Sacramento on Friday and passed on several more that were in the immediate area.

Staying at the Legacy and they have a kiosk where you can swipe you club card every two hours to win some "prizes". Becky won a "2 for 1" buffet coupon...........only problem is the buffet is closed until Wednesday. The rest of the time we've been "winning" free glasses of wine with our meals.............if one opts to eat at the high priced restaurants. We just toss them in the trash can.

Probably head out of here around 9 or so..........or after we've had breakfast.........and should get to Roseville to pick up the motorhome sometime after noon.

May stop in Woodland.........or maybe head on home. Not sure at this time.

Later. W&B