Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rain Finally Quit...........

at least for a couple of days. Woke up to sunshine; however, outside temp guage was still in the high 40s this morning. It did get a little better and I managed to mow the weeds around noonish. Old knee will pay the price for that tomorrow.

Other then a occasional trip to the casino (I'm presently +$41 since getting home) we haven't done much due to crummy weather. Heard from my local doctor and I've been referred to an Orthopedic Group in Red Bluff. Looked 'em up on the internet and talked to a few people who gave them "rave" reviews so it looks like I'll be in good hands when knee replacement time rolls around. They haven't contacted me yet so still playing the waiting game. Damn left knee is getting about as bad as the right one........wonder if they would do both at the same time??? No need to wonder...........don't think I got the "balls" to have them both done........even if they would do it.

Tomorrow supposed to hit low 70s and then start cooling down for the weekend.

Nothing else happening here..........more later if anything happens. W&B

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