Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We've Been Dodging A Bullet..............

weather wise as rain seems to have been passing by us. Getting a bit; but, not nearly as much as forecasted. We were in Chico today to get B's "bumps" checked out as they're nearly all gone. Doc said no need to continue meds unless they start to reappear. Of course we're never figured out what caused them.........and probably won't due to so many possible food allergies. ??? She's just happy to see them gone. Raining like crazy when we left Chico and it was dry any sunny about 5 miles from Corning. Go figure.

Yesterday we were on our way to Old Folks breakfast at the casino when my phone rang. Some of our geocaching friends, Beagle39z...Wayne and Phyllis... from Yuma were approaching Corning on their way North. I told them to stop by and I'd spring for breakfast. They arrived shortly thereafter and we had a nice breakfast and caught up on some of the happenings. Wind was blowing like crazy so they decided to check into the RV park at the casino. We got together a little later in the afternoon and the wind had sorta died down and sun was out........still a bit chilly though. I think we hunted down 15 or 16 caches for them and we even found some that had been placed while we were in Arizona. All in all a real fun and impromptu day. They were heading toward Lincoln City, Oregon to work for a couple of months at a Fish Hatchery. Then they'll be work camping near Seattle where Geo Woodstock VII is being held. Woodstock will be held over the 4th of July weekend and we'll probably miss it since we have reservations at Coos Bay for our annual family/friends get together at the sand dunes. Still a possibility for WS.......but slim. Depending on when we head North we might be able to visit them before they leave the Lincoln City area since I'm sure we'll spend some time in the dunes at Sand Lake which is only about 45 minutes from LC.

If we don't lose all of our money before then.........we'll be leaving for Reno on Sunday to celebrate B's birthday. Got reservations at the Silver Legacy for two days. We leave on Friday and drop the M/H off at the RV dealership since my hydraulic jacks part came it and then spend two nights in Woodland at Rhonda and Steve's B&B. Will leave M/H there and drive the Suzy on over to Reno. Weather should be good and I'm sure we'll have a baseball game to take in and possibly Jace and his buds might have another gig scheduled. I missed the last one; but, hopefully will get to see him play if anything scheduled this weekend.

I dozed my way through some TV programs so now I'm wide awake when I should be snoozing. Nothing on the tube but old reruns so grabbed this chance to update blog.

Well, back to reruns. Later. W&B

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bright and Shiny Monday...............

but not for long........rain coming in tonight and off and on for the next couple of ses the weatherman. Looks like I gotta go out and clean out the rain guters since Becky is too busy with "farming" to do that.

We haven't been doing anything the last few days except keeping my "red brothers" happy at the casino with contributions. My record stands at -$14.00 for the last month after they beat me up yesterday............guess I shouldn't complain too much about that, just chaulk it up to entertainment and "free cokes". To bad they don't have Pepsi in their dispensers and it would probably be worth it.

How many of us get those SPAM letters that say you've been selected to receive "XXXX" number of dollars because your name was drawn. Send info to.......and they list a hotmail or Yahoo address. Well, since I have more time then anything else, I just open my spam folder and forward everything in the folder to the email they list. I did this for several days to one address and they finally "blocked" me...............put a big smile on my face for a day or so and then I picked out another address and did the same. Like I said, you need some extra time on your hands to do this; but, you might even put a little grin on your face if you do the same. At least I got a bit of satisfaction.

Going to a 10 year geocaching event on Saturday about 30 miles away and then we're headed to Woodland to visit the Twerps...........actually we're just going for a free overnight stay and then on Sunday we have reservations in Reno for two days to celebrate the Old One's BD which is Saturday. Return on Tuesday. Gonna leave the M/H sit at costs about as much to stay in an RV park as it does to locate a cheap hotel so that'll leave us some more gambling money, plus the gas bill will be significantly decreased. Hope the weather is good.

Well, out to clean the gutters............later W&B

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday Rolls Around And Looks...........

like we might have a "warm" day.........maybe even close to "hot". Pulled the M/H out of its parking spot to have the Yak Yak Shack try to figure out why I'm having problems with the CB I had installed in Yuma. Just barely got it out of its hole.........I park it between us and the neighbor and downspouts from both houses allow the water to accumulate between us. Front wheels were nearly buried; but, rear wheels on solid ground so I was able to back it out. Looks like it'll be mid summer before it dries out so had to figure out a new place to park it..........unfortunately the only area is the yard in front of the house. Called a local contractor to see if there was "fix" for the problem...........could fill in the hole with dirt and then pack some gravel over it; but, gotta wait until it's dried out to do that. Next choice.........take out a walnut tree and chop up another one to park the M/H in front. Walnut tree removed and other tree trimmed yesterday so we're now parked in front. Now some SOB will probably complain about the parking place.........or maybe not.

Dude at the Yak Yak Shack couldn't figure out the CB problem...........he installed new heavier duty coax, went to a Wilson Antenna and still had feedback through speakers..........although not as bad and it's liveable. He believes the problem lies in the "cheap" Jensen radio system that Winnebago chose to install. The only suggested cure is a good Pioneer unit............but at about $500 or so I think I'll pass on that one. CB problem mostly cured so guess will leave it alone for now. Still cost me $208!! And he gave me a discount on labor. A trucker pulled in while he was working on the M/H so I told him to go ahead and take care of any other truckers first and work on mine when he had the time. He appreciated that.

Don't know what today will bring...........maybe I'll try to wash the M/H. Becky just asked me what we were doing...........she's trying to figure out a time line and what crops to plant so she'll be around when harvest time arrives..............folks, don't let yourselves get "addicted" to'll run your life!

Well, looks like it's about bacon and egg time so guess I'll have to go round up my own breakfast, again, since I see her computer screen filled with farm animals, crops, tractors and such.........


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Not Much Going On In Corntown.......... improving for the weekend after a day and a half of rain. Becky working on "rearranging" the innards of the M/ for sure we won't be able to find anything the next trip we make. Still doing some doctor appointments and we saw a different dermotologist for Becky's "bumps". Gave her an injection (needle about 4 inches long) and changed her prescription. New doc said we should see improvement in a few days with the stronger meds. This lady was very thorough and we left with the feeling that we're on the right track. They are also checking to see what she might be allergic the hell out of "come back in 3 months" that we got from the first "doctor".

Still waiting on a call re. M/H part for the jacks. Will give them a call tomorrow if I don't hear from them. Also checked the Yak Yak Shack to see if he could come up with a solution to the feedback on the CB radio. Said a longer antenna might help and an improper length for the coax might be part of the problem. Gotta get the M/H over to him.........maybe tomorrow.

Still making our almost "daily" runs to the casino since this month, on old folks day, they're still giving us $5.00 each to play when we turn in our food slips after we eat. Been keeping track of my monies and so far lose a bit, win and bit and as of today I'm $122.00 ahead. Of course that can change in a millisecond or two.

Well, that's about it around here. W&B

Monday, April 19, 2010

Got Back From Woodland............

yesterday afternoon in time to mow the weeds. Got that done and not walking too well today.........may have to hire the neighbor kid in the future.

RV joint found the problem with the jacks.........of course it needs a new part and the part had to be ordered from the manufacturer.........even Winnebago didn't have it in stock. So, they'll call me when the part comes in and I'll have to make another 260 mile trip to have it installed. Bummer!

Had nice weekend in Woodland though.........Friday evening was a birthday skating party for Bryce and we attended for a little while. Couldn't find any roller blades that fit me properly so passed on skaing. Took in baseball game for Bryce Saturday afternoon and about noon on Saturday Jace was playing in concert in Davis. Looked like a lot of walking so I passed on that trip; but, Becky attended and said it was very nice. I did manage to make it to the casino on Saturday and actually walked away with $35 of their money.

While waiting for work on M/H on Friday we went back to the casino............on Thursday night I won a few bucks and on Friday I gave them back their money with interest. Naturally had to hit our own casino on Sunday evening and I took $120 of their money home with me. I'm still ahead since we got back to Corning.

Saturday evening Bryce headed for another BD party and Steve and Jace had an "outdoor" event to attend. Rhonda, B and I had dinner at a local Chinese restaurant. When we got back to the M/H Becky received an email from Rhonda with a picture of Jace and a "puppy". It seems like Jace was the lucky winner of a drawing they held and he won an Labador Puppy with AKC papers. Needless to say he was quite happy...........believe Mom is still in shock as a I suspect she'll have another "kid" to take care of when the novelty wears off. Cute puppy.

Had good weather through weekend and now it looks like rain in forecast for tonight and tomorrow and then should be OK for the upcoming weekend.

All for now...........I hear the casino calling. W&B

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sitting In A Lot Across............

from the Thunder Valley Casino in Lincoln, CA.......about 20 miles or so East of Sacramento. Got an appointment for warranty work on M/H for tomorrow so drove down today. Intended to stay in the RV Dealer lot; but, they were almost "full up". Casino was only 12 miles or so away (less then that if you don't get lost getting here) so we drove on over for the evening.

Tried the buffet and it was pretty good.....naturally we ate too much. Tried our luck on the slots and the second machine I played put me $56.00 ahead..............this time I was smart enough to quit and have been watching TV while "B" has been snoozing. Waiting until 2300 rolls around and then I can fill the little generator with gas and it'll run the rest of the night.

Damn hydraulic jacks are working (NOW) the way they are supposed to. Will take it in tomorrow anyway and they probably won't be able to do anything as long as the jacks are working the way they should be. Got a couple of other minor complaints so maybe they can take care of them.

Weather great today and should be through Sunday.........BD party tomorrow and baseball on Saturday. Probably have breakfast at our favorite diner for biscuits and gravy on Sunday morning and then head for the barn. Expecting rain again on Monday so hope to get home in time to mow the weeds.

Tossed the computer in the M/H and forgot the charger so battery getting depleated. Will post this and maybe no more on line until we get home............well guess I can use B's computer. The old air card is really cooking away here..........just ran speed test and have over 1 meg download and uploads were in the 400 kbs range. Pretty darn good I guess.

Later. W&B

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Weather Still A Bit Iffy..........

today; but, showing signs of improving at least through the weekend. Heading over to Chico shortly to keep an appointment with VA doc. Need to check in with him every six months or so to renew prescriptions and probably get some lab work done.

Last night was "go to the casino" night so we did that. I received a flyer in the mail announcing their "give a wallet away" night so we ambled on over so I could stand in line and pick up a wallet with a "prize". They guarantee you a minimum of $5.00 with your wallet so figured I would at least make $5.00 for an hour's "work". Got there about 10 minutes before six and had wallet in hand about 10 after 6............low and behold! My wallet contained a Jackson! Was back home less than an hour after we left so I guess that was a pretty good hour's work. Too crowded to eat or gamble so will probably give them a chance to get it back later this week. Becky will probably get her flyer in the mail this week...........they never seem to send them for the same day.

Guess we'll do some "shopping" in Chico also............gotta return a couple of to Wally World and another one to Lowes and Becky needs to stop by and see Dermotologist to pick up some paper work. She developed some little red spots on her skin before we left Yuma and they prescribed her some "cream", ran some tests and we've come to the conclusion that they really don't know what the heck they're doing. Spots are fading away and she got a call from them yesterday (she also had appointment for today) and they told her she was "allergic" to something. Duh!! Supposed to return in 3 months. Think we might look for another dermotologist............I only talked to this doctor one time and she seems awfully flaky. Whenever Becky has talked to her and asked about how to handle the spots and made suggestions the doc comes up with "that's a good idea!" Some doctors just don't instill any confidence at all.

About time to leave........about a 28 miles drive and you never know what the traffic will be doing so will post and get outta here.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ain't Been Doing Nothing..............

except trying to stay warm and dry and keeping out of the wind. Who ever coined the phrase "Sunny California" never existed in the North State at springtime!

Weather so crummy today that we never left the house........just turned up the heat and Becky farmed while I watched the Masters and a bunch of other stuff on the tube.

Didn't even make a casino run...........left there on Friday after the seafood buffet and was really feeling "rich" as one of the slots was quite generous to me. However, made the mistake of going back Saturday afternoon and giving most of their money back to them...........did quit before I gave it all back and I'm still ahead of the game since we got back to "Sunny California".

I guess I shouldn't complain too much..........the neighbor, his kid and some of their friends packed up their motorcycles and were headed to Susanville to spend the weekend in the desert riding. They left Friday and they probably froze their butts off if the rain didn't drown them.
I guess they made it home OK..........I don't know 'cause I never went outside today.

Not much going on here..........just waiting for the the knee doctor to give me a call so I can figure out some sort of summer schedule. Going to Roseville near Sacramento on Thursday as we have an appointment to get the hydraulic jacks looked at and then to Woodland on Friday for one of the Twerps BD. Probably come back on Sunday.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rain Finally Quit...........

at least for a couple of days. Woke up to sunshine; however, outside temp guage was still in the high 40s this morning. It did get a little better and I managed to mow the weeds around noonish. Old knee will pay the price for that tomorrow.

Other then a occasional trip to the casino (I'm presently +$41 since getting home) we haven't done much due to crummy weather. Heard from my local doctor and I've been referred to an Orthopedic Group in Red Bluff. Looked 'em up on the internet and talked to a few people who gave them "rave" reviews so it looks like I'll be in good hands when knee replacement time rolls around. They haven't contacted me yet so still playing the waiting game. Damn left knee is getting about as bad as the right one........wonder if they would do both at the same time??? No need to wonder...........don't think I got the "balls" to have them both done........even if they would do it.

Tomorrow supposed to hit low 70s and then start cooling down for the weekend.

Nothing else happening here..........more later if anything happens. W&B

Friday, April 2, 2010

Holy Crap!.................

........rain, wind, cold.....46 degrees Corning with lows tonight in low 30s.............and Yuma is sunny and 76 degrees.

Where did we go wrong?


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Made It All The Way To Thursday..........

and the forecast rains never really made it to Corning........which is good! Been working a little bit at a time on getting M/H unloaded.........actually we've been running back and forth whenever we need something that's not in the house and that's the way we've been unloading.

Made a few runs to the casino to keep them happy and I just figured it up and right now I'm +$61.00 since we got home. I'll keep track until the minues exceed the pluses and then I probably won't keep tabs on my win/losses anymore.

Got my appointment with local doctor moved up from the 15th until today so I got a referral to see an Ortho surgeon. My appointment was with a "cute" lady doctor..........kinda young looking; but, since all I wanted was a referral I figured she could handle that. She said if I don't hear anything in two weeks from an Ortopedic surgeon I need to contact her again. Told her I didn't much care who I saw as long as it was an "experienced" knee surgeon. She said she understood so will wait and see who contacts me.

I originally thought that I had a "hairline" fracture of the tibia when I first reinjured my knee on Valentine's Day. I couldn't understand all the medical jargon on the MRI report; but, she told me today that I did indeed have a "hidden" fracture of the tibia.........along with tears and other cartilige damage. No wonder it put me on crutches for 3 weeks or so.

So much for the past............looking forward to getting it scheduled for a fix so I can make some summer plans.

Been searching for someone to install a Banks Power Pack system on the M/H. Called Banks and asked for names of outfits who can do the work in the Portland area. They called me back, gave me a sales pitch and today I get an email from Camping World at Wilsonville, OR. They need about 2 weeks notice so hope I can get that done when we make our trek North.

Nothing else going on around here until next week when one of the Twerps has a BD party so we'll head back down to Woodland for that weekend.

Later. W&B