Monday, April 27, 2009


and we spent most of the day yesterday at the Skate Board park in Woodland. Doug and Tami hosted a little get together for family and friends. Kids burned up the skateboard park and everyone else enjoyed food, drink and good conversation. The only problem for Becky and was COLD. At least we were, no rain and it was OK when the sun popped out from behind the clouds. Everyone except us were running around in shorts and T shirts............well at least most of them were.

Started raining this afternoon so don't know how long that might last. We had considered going to Sand Lake for some Rhino riding; but, now will have to keep an eye on the weather. I don't particularly relish heading that way in the rain so we'll just wait and see.

No geocaching yet.........everytime we drive past one (within 500 feet) the NUVI lets forth and big old alarm. Gotta find some before we head back.

Today was "see the Orthopedic Surgeon day". He checked xrays and talked to me for 15 or 20 minutes. He said he'd replace the right knee but had some concerns about replacing the left knee. He was also concerned about the left knee holding up during rehab on the right knee. This the leg where I have some nerve damage and it's already weakened with muscle atrophy. He told me the decision was mine on the right knee. I asked about time frame and he said if I made the decision today for replacement it would still be at least three months down the road before it could be done. I told him that I'd like to try and lose some pounds off my mid-section and do some strength building excercises for both legs. He thought that would be a good plan, gave me some exercises to do and information on before and after knee replacement. I'll give that plan a try and see what happens.

Actually, I think I'm just turning chicken shit! See my rheumatologist on Friday so can discuss some other options with her at that time.

For knee replacement in the immediate future. Huummm..........maybe "medical maijuana" would help for knee pain?

All for now. W

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