Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sunday Evening....................
Saturday we went to Brutie's (Bryce) baseball game but we left early. Brutie was legging it out for a single, crossed first base and turned his head toward second base. Big mistake as he caught a wild throw right in the chops from the second baseman. End of baseball for the day. It cut his lip and may have loosened up some teeth; but, he's a tough kid so he'll be OK. It did end the ballgame for us though as Mom went in search for some aspirin so we all left.
Greeted with some decent weather, probably high 60s when we got to Corning but I might be in search of the electric heater later on this evening as it cooled down pretty quickly.
Had a summons to jury duty waiting for me in the mail. Supposed to go to Red Bluff on April 4th. Will have to call them tomorrow and let them know I won't be around the following week; but, will show up on the 4th. It might be interesting and I could probably earn ten bucks or so.
Such a deal.
Will post this and retire to the tube. Later. W&B
Friday, March 28, 2008
Friday Afternoon About 1400..............
Think there's a baseball game tomorrow we'll go to and then just kick back and see if anything is planned for the weekend. Right now Becky is waiting for Rhonda and then they'll go pick up the boys from school in about an hour. I'll get this published and then go watch some MTV on Steve's big screen.
Later. W&B
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Leaving Port Hueneme Tomorrow..............

Monday, March 24, 2008
Arrived Port Hueneme............
We were all set to have dinner at the casino buffet last night.................until we saw the prices. It seems they were having a "special" Easter buffet. Theme was seafood. Price was $34.95 per person. We found a snack bar and had a snack. Contributed to my Red Brothers for awhile. What we lost could have paid for one buffet. I should have sent Becky in with a large plastic bag.
Getting through LA wasn't as bad as I expected. We took a slight detour north and kinda by passed LA by taking Highway 210. A couple of traffic fender benders slowed us down; but, we're in no hurry anyway so got through OK.
Gonna meet Mommyx4 tomorrow for some local caching. We met her family in Yuma and her husband works while she and her 4 kids spend a good deal of time geocaching. The kids are home schooled and they're a neat family who move on to a new post every 4 months or so. Right now they are in Oxnard. Will be fun keeping in touch with them.
That about wraps up our adventure since last night. Later. W&B
Sunday, March 23, 2008
157 Miles From Yuma................
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Got A Few Things...................

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Thursday And Getting Closer To "Go" Date..............

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
March 19 And Fo's BD................

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Thought Our Caching Was Done For..............

Well, we had to go looking. The first one left us shaking our heads and we moved on to the next ones. We got them and ran into some other cachers so we all converged back on the first one. After a bit of poking around and getting scratched up by the thorns Becky was poking her walking stick in the middle of the trees and came up with a loud "thunk". She had the cache and it was #35 First To Find.
Guess we can leave here knowing that we got our weekly FTF! We've had 26 FTFs since we arrived in November so guess we averaged a bit better than one a week. I think we've found around 250 or more caches this winter............can't remember our numbers when we arrived but we've found a few and it's really been slow the last month.
Still working on getting ready to leave on Sunday and it looks like we'll make it. Going out to dinner with Frank and Suzannah to celebrate Franks birthday tomorrow, got one more trip to the casino to get our Old Folks money and that will just about wrap up the season.
Oh yeah, my "donation" to the Wellton Justice Court is $286.00. If I go to an old folks driving class the bail can be reduced. I don't feel like sitting in a classroom so guess I'll pay my dues.
In addition to sending gas money, you can also contribute to my bail bond fund. All proceeds accepted. Later. W&B
Sunday, March 16, 2008
We might go back tomorrow and look it up since we now have the correct location. I did manage to get some cubby holes cleaned out and repacked. Got the Rhino almost ready to load up, checked air pressure in all the rigs and goodies stowed away. Old Folks day at the casino tomorrow and we'll have to go down since this will be our last chance for "free money". Saturday we went out to the Cocopah casino and I checked my points. They said since this would be the first time I cashed them in I could get $20.00 cash. Why not I ses...........played slots with the $20.00 and finally left there with $38.00. That'll probably pay for about 10% of my traffic ticket.
Weather should be warming up after our "cold snap" and I figure everything should be loaded up and ready to roll by Friday.
More later if anything happens. B&W
Friday, March 14, 2008
Getting Closer To Leaving....................
Tried to take pictures.......flash was not allowed so most of them didn't turn out too well. Here's a bit of a collage of "Elvis". The band was playing first and I kept seeing "Elvis" peeping out of a doorway so got his picture as he was coming on to the stage, and a couple more during performance. All for now. W&B

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Well, actually didn't do that, have to find something that will "guarantee" a flat tire. We did stop by the hiding place, the same spot where I had placed a geocache, and we picked up a bunch of caches that we had placed. Got two more caches to pick up and then a local cacher will watch 4 for me that I'll leave in place. They probably won't get much more action the rest of the year.
HOT, HOT today, think it reached 88 and two more days of the same and then maybe a bit of a cool down.
Gotta start getting ready to job consists of making a list for Becky to do!!!
Later. W&B
Monday, March 10, 2008
B U S T E D !!!...............
All that, and we didn't even get the cache first! Today was old folks days and I walked away from the casino $20.00 least that's a start on paying my ticket. Guess I'd better call them tomorrow and see what the damage will be. Spent a good part of the morning trying to get an insurance card mailed to me and finally I was able to get a copy of the card on line.
Stay tuned. All for now. W&B
Oh yeah.....the deputy has a good thing going at this particular spot, we returned the same way and he had another car pulled over about the same spot he captured me! Wonder if there's any "kick back" going on for tickets written???
Saturday, March 8, 2008
"Midnight At The Oasis".................
Lazy day today.......we haven't gone anyplace. Frank stopped by this morning......looks like he's almost over the crud and will surrive until Suz gets back from her cruise. He said he's been working on a list of things for her to do when she gets back. Smart move.............I would never have thought of that.
Later. W&B

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Another Old Folks Day.............
Everytime we head to the Cocopah Casino we're going too fast to stop and take pictures of this hedge. Today was the day......we finally made the stop and Becky took these pictures. Betcha you don't see many hedges of this nature!
We finally got a firm "leave Yuma date". We'll be departing on March 24 and will stop in Port Hueneme to visit one of Becky's Old Buds. She lives near the base so we have reservations at the base RV park for three days and will visit and explore the area. Leave there on the 27th and should arrive in Woodland on the following Saturday.
Need to replace a tire on the trailer, ran it down here without enough air in the tires so outter edges worn down. Do you think I can find this odd ball size trailer tire in this area? NO! May have to order it; but, still got plenty of time to have it ready to roll. Damn trailer tire costs about as much as a car tire that's twice the size. Getting M/H washed and waxed tomorrow so will have another day close to home. Labor is still pretty cheap......$125.00 to wash and wax M/H. Other places at least twice as much so now is time to get it done.
Later. W&B

Monday, March 3, 2008
Weekend Over -- Time For W.O.R.K...................
Came back to town, the car battery was about dead so had it checked out. Bad battery so got a new one and then went to the casino for our Old Folks Money. Got our money placed on our cards; but, the casino was crowded so we left and will go back in a day or so and gamble our moneys away.
End of Monday.......another 3 weeks and we'll be heading for California. W&B