Thursday, January 26, 2012

Quick Update................

since we haven't been doing much except sleeping and eating........SOS, just a different day.

Sunday a group of us went out and placed 101 geocaches for the upcoming February event. Gotta go back since we placed a couple of them too close together. How did that happen you ask.........well we were in three different vehicles in wide open desert and our paths crossed since we weren't in visual contact all the time. Not a big problem to move two of them. Other than a doctor appointment and a couple of runs to the casino not much more going on here. A "heat wave" coming in and we should be in the lower 80s for the next few days. Might even have to crank up the old A/C if this trend continues!

When to an IPhone class held by Sprint last night...............picked up some info but left early since I didn't want to go into overload on my poor brain. Downloaded some info specific to my IPhone so believe that will help my plodding along with it. So far think the extra $99 is worth the upgrade.

Our friends, Frank and Suzannah, got into Yuma a day or so ago so we're going out to visit them this a matter of fact we'll be leaving shortly so will wrap this up. Stay warm if you're in that part of the country. W&B

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