Monday, January 30, 2012

Survived Weekend......................

as we went to breakfast at the local choke and puke and then off to the hinterlands for some geocaching with JJ, Larry, B and myself. Nice day so we drove the RZRs. Things were going pretty good until we got into stickers, thorns, palm frones and a bunch of other stuff that will leave you bleeding. Some caches we didn't find; but, would have to be a real masochist to go back and look again............not worth the effort.

Weather really getting nice, supposed to be in the mid 70s the rest of the week. Will be perfect if the wind doesn't start blowing.

Got a doctor appointment tomorrow to get an infusion. Been taking an injection for the past 24 months for osteoporosis.............lot of improvement in bone density; but, still need a little assist so the Doc recommending an annual infusion of some kind of stuff. Guess they place it directly in the vein and it should take about 20 minutes or so. At least it's only once a year. Get that done tomorrow and then take the RZR into the shop for its 50 hour/1000 mile maintenance check up. Some minor things to check out and should be good for another 1000 miles.

Nothing planned the rest of the week, just playing it by ear. Before we know it our Yuma Geocaching Event will be rolling around on Feb 18.............lots of stuff to do before then so things will be picking up before we know it. We got our 101 caches planted, submitted and reviewed so they'll be good to go when event time rolls around.

Took in a movie on Saturday.........I can't even tell you the name of it........another hour and a half that I'll never recover. Must have been a decent movie as I don't think I went to sleep and Becky said I even "laughed" a couple of times so figure it was "OK". Made a couple of casino runs, lost on Saturday and recoved about half of my losses today. My Red Brothers still owe me.

Stay warm. W&B

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Quick Update................

since we haven't been doing much except sleeping and eating........SOS, just a different day.

Sunday a group of us went out and placed 101 geocaches for the upcoming February event. Gotta go back since we placed a couple of them too close together. How did that happen you ask.........well we were in three different vehicles in wide open desert and our paths crossed since we weren't in visual contact all the time. Not a big problem to move two of them. Other than a doctor appointment and a couple of runs to the casino not much more going on here. A "heat wave" coming in and we should be in the lower 80s for the next few days. Might even have to crank up the old A/C if this trend continues!

When to an IPhone class held by Sprint last night...............picked up some info but left early since I didn't want to go into overload on my poor brain. Downloaded some info specific to my IPhone so believe that will help my plodding along with it. So far think the extra $99 is worth the upgrade.

Our friends, Frank and Suzannah, got into Yuma a day or so ago so we're going out to visit them this a matter of fact we'll be leaving shortly so will wrap this up. Stay warm if you're in that part of the country. W&B

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Not Much Happening Lately..............

just eat, sleep, win some lose some at casino, picking up a geocache now and then and generally kicking back. Going out in the desert again tomorrow; but, don't know if it will be a RZR day or not. Depends on the was really blowing today and we had a haze towards the west all day today. Looked like the wind was really kicking up over Californy way in the sand dunes. Lottsa dust blowing around here today too.

Got a nasty surprise today..........been paying for "insurance" on my phone. Tried to get a new one and was told by insurance company that I had to pay $100 deductible. Asked them what the hell have I been paying insurance for? Tuff nuggies they said..........still $100 for a replacement phone..........the same as the one I had and I would probably get a refurbished phone. I said screw that and went down to the Sprint office............a hundred dollars later I now have an Iphone (without any insurance). I guess if you use the insurance in the first few months it would be worth it. Live and learn.

Anyway I gotta go through a new learning curve with Iphone. I need a kid to teach me!!

Well, that's it, just letting everyone know that we're still alive. W&B

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Short Update...............

Check "B"s Blog for some pictures she took while we were browsing around the Barry Goldwater Range. Had our Sunday Breakfast and went caching after. Nice turn out for the breakfast and we managed to collect a good bankroll to be used for our February Yuma Event.

Desert starting to "green up" after rains and even though it was kinda cool and windy we enjoyed getting the RZRs out to tear up the desert trails. Not gotta get out and wash the poor RZR up.........pretty dusty out there when you're following a maniac driver.

Yesterday we turned in monies collected, lost $14.00 at the casino, visited some friends in another RV Park, took a "shortcut" home through the desert and bounced the Jeep all over the road. Last time we took this cow path we were in the RZR and could motor along at 35-40 the Jeep we were chugging along at 15-25. Quite a difference in the suspension.

Still a bit of a breeze today; but, nice and sunny so it outta be another great day in the Southwest. Still shirt sleeve weather for the info of all your Northerners. Later. W&B

Friday, January 6, 2012

Been A Slow Week..............

but the weather has been great! "B" got a wild hair and cleaned up the M/H on Monday...........I felt bad about watching her so I, I didn't really. Instead I spified up the inside of the Jeep. Had the M/H washed and waxed on can't beat the price to have it done in Yuma. Should be good until we leave than all I gotta do is have it washed again to get the dust off.

We did go see a movie......Mission Impossible on Wednesday and took two doggie bags for our extra popcorn. Thursday was "do laundry" day and in between we managed to find a cache here and there. Out to breakfast kinda early this morning and dropped by the Mad Chef in Yuma's Old Town and then some caching on the West Side. Ended up meeting Robert & Char and Larry & Audrey for dinner at the newly reopened Fun Factory. Food was OK; but, the service was lacking. We might give them another try.

Don't know what's in store for tomorrow...........the old casino has been whipping my butt; but, Becky has picked up some extra change on our last two visits. I figure she did OK when we get in the car and it takes 20 minutes or so to count and recount her monies. ..............big breakfast on Sunday with the Yuma Caching Group and then probably to the Bombing Range afterward. Later....W&B

Monday, January 2, 2012

Started the New Year With ..............

a Geocaching run to the mountains about 75 miles N of the home abode. Becky, Larry, Robert and I spent most of the days trudging around the desert. We came upon this huge pile of "snow" and "B" snapped a few pics. Didn't think you'd ever see snow in this part of Arizona; but, hey, it is January and we were high in the mountains. Here's a link to the Kofa Mine area where we visited and will give some more info to anyone interested in where we spent part of our day. We didn't hike into the mine area itself. The cache we found was located at the cemetary.

Nice day with friends; but, my knee paid the price and about 0100 I bounded out of bed with leg cramps. All in all, a small price to pay for a "fun in the sun" day. Think it reached about 75 on New Years Day.

Sticking close to home today and might feel up to more geocaching tomorrow...........people put out about 40 new ones for the beginning of 2012.

Hope everyone is enjoying a great start to 2012..........we are. W&B