Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Warm Day Today.......Probably In 70s...........

and only a gentle breeze blowing. My kind of "almost" winter weather. Not doing too much the last couple of days, Sunday was a bit windy so after breakfast at Ligurta we headed back home and spent most of the day indoors. Monday a bit better so we did venture out.

Keep hearing a "clunk" when Jeep shifts gear.........intermittent; but, it was driving me nuts so took it into a transmission shop and left it overnight. Today they checked it over and told me everything was OK...........didn't need to change/flush trans fluid and electronics checked out so guess we'll just drive the crap out of it. The Man said that Jeep transmissions are well built and they seldom have major problems. Maybe I'm just paranoid and the old hearing aid makes those clunks seem much louder.

Becky said she wanted to visit Wally World on the way home so I buzzed home in the RZR and she finally pulled in a couple of hours later. "Shopping" is what she calls it so I'm happy we weren't in the same vehicle. She did bring some grub home and Pepsi for me so guess it all works out.

Still waiting for the cable people to arrive and they are scheduled to be here sometime tomorrow so guess we'll have to wait around for them.........I know they can't install the system 'cause a line still hasn't been ran from curbside to our electrical box..........this is what stopped the last "install". Maybe they'll do it all at once????????? Well, all for now. W&B

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Drove Up To Glamis Today.............

to pick up some 2011 Glamis Thanksgiving sweatshirts. Dang, they were nearly sold out; but, we managed to find a couple that filled the bill. Expensive sweatshirts.......$90.00 for an annual pass to the dunes (hope to use it a lot more before we leave Yuma), half a tank of gas and $52.00 + tax for the shirts. Always pisses me off when they charge sales tax..........no receipt, cash sale so I'm sure it goes into the vendors pocket. Oh well..........

Becky took a bunch of pictures which she will probably post on her Blog.......I snapped a few and here they are. Never did see any scantily clad Glamis Babes; but, did see some "not to bad lookers". Guess the "Old Days" of glamorous babes and nudity are long gone! Bummer.

Drove around a bit; but, didn't spend a lot of time there. Wind was picking up and sand started to blow so we headed back to Yuma kinda early. On the way back we turned on the GPSr and saw that we could do some geocaching on the way back. I think we picked up 19 or 20 of the easier ones........the ones we didn't have to walk more than a couple of hundred feet from the road. Anyway, we quit before the road did, headed back to the highway and had a late lunch/early dinner at the Mad Greek restaurant. They usually have pretty good soup and Saturday is beef barley soup........it's normally very good; but, in this batch I was constantly asking.........."WHERE'S THE BEEF???" Told the waitress it wasn't up to par and she said she'd tell the cook. I'll give them another chance before I write off the beef barley soup.

Yesterday, we finally ventured out on Black Friday........I was kinda looking for a new laptop...........still too crowded even in the afternoon so we didn't spend much time shopping. After we got home I started browsing the internet and ended up ordering a new laptop from Toshiba. My old one is between 4-5 years old so it was about time and it's given me some pretty good service.

The guy arrived to install cable internet; but, couldn't get it done on Friday. The lot required a cable to be run from the box to our electric box so another crew will come in next week to install that..........then maybe we'll have cable internet in another 10 days or so. I'm sure it will be worth the wait...........this Sprint air card kinda sucks in this area. Just barely better than nothing.

That's about it for now. W&B

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day Over...........

so here's wishing everyone had their fill of turkey, dressing, smushed taters, gravy, etc. etc. I know we did.........except Becky who couldn't scoff up on the dressing because of her gluten free style of eating. Not to worry, I polished off enough for both of us.

This year we headed out to Josh and Megans, JJ & Chars kids. A bunch of people from both sides of the family showed up and Becky and I were the "token" snowbirds. More food than you could ever imagine............two turkeys, ham and someone even brought a prime rib......plus all the traditional goodies. Everything was delish and I thought the prime rib was outstanding! Becky pigged out on that and licked her platter clean.

We ate outdoors as the weather was most agreeable..........until the sun started to drop below the house line, then it began cooling down pretty quickly. We weren't too far from the Cocopah casino as Josh and Megan live South of Yuma in the countryside so we said our thank you's and goodbye and made the mistake of visiting Cocopah.

Someday I'll learn to stop gambling when I'm ahead...........no matter how little the amount is.........well maybe. Anyway, we made our contribution and came on home. Gotta set the alarm for midnight so we can join in on the Midnight Madness at the local emporiums............yeah right. I told Becky she could join in the festivities; but, don't wake me.

No shopping for me.........might venture out later as I'm in the market for a new laptop. Have the cable company coming tomorrow so we can get hooked up to cable internet. That outta be nice as our old air card from Sprint really slows down in Yuma. Last year they let me put the air card on vacation while we were down here so that will offset the cost of cable. And, don't have to sign a contract.....just month to month hookup.

Have been doing a little bit of caching with JJ on Sundays. Last Sunday we headed to Californy and picked up about 115 or so caches. My old left knee paid the price on Monday and Tuesday; but, doing OK now. JJ and another friend left after Turkey Time for Las Vegas where they'll spend the night and then on to Rachel, Nevada where they'll spend 2 1/2 days or so hunting down the 1500 + caches on the ET Highway. They said I could go along and just "drive"..........even that wasn't enough to tempt me. Temps expected to range from 30s to low 50s.........that ain't for me!

Other than caching we've been eating out, "shopping", took in a couple of movies; but, we haven't gotten hooked on BINGO...........yet. Later if anything happens. Expect temps to jump up into low 80s after the upcoming weekend. W&B

Saturday, November 5, 2011

We're Officially Here................

'cause I got my "53rd Lane" geocache planted, published and already been found. Thought I might have a semi-nasty one this time; but, guess these cachers are tuned into my methods. Was published about 1530 and found about 1830 in the dark.

Finally got RZR off the trailer yesterday, cleaned up, gassed up and we're ready to hit the trails..........tomorrow morning as a matter of fact. Had dinner with JJ and Char last night at the Outback and made plans for breakfast tomorrow morning and then we'll take the RZRs out to hunt down some caches in the Foothills areas. People have been planting a few more than usual this summer it seems so we'll try to hunt down a few that JJ hasn't already found.

Watched the space station fly over this evening..........have seen it before; but, this time it was in view for about 6 minutes and was nice and bright. Thanks to John, one of the 53rd Lane seekers, who gave us a heads up on the space station fly over.

It's cooled down, rain and thunder last night and that made Becky happy to hear the thunder. I thought we journeyed South to avoid that crap! Oh well, the desert needed the rain..........it might green up a bit now..........always like to see a "green" desert.

More later..........hopefully I'll take a few pictures. W&B

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Arrived in Yuma Yesterday Afternoon............

.....it was HOT, DAMN HOT yesterday; but, cooled down today.........plus windy. Haven't checked temps; but, believe it never got outta 80s today......which was nice.

We got up late and finally started our travels about 1100. First stop, Sam's Club, where we renewed membership and picked up a few goodies. Filled up with gas, gas price was $3.27 a gallon at Sam's Club, haven't seen it that low in quite awhile. Next we headed to the Marine Base to renew our Bombing Range Passes, stopped at exchange for a haircut, visited snack bar and then drove home, via the RV store where we picked up some stuff to hook up the M/H to sewer line. Now just kicking back and enjoying cooler temperatures.

"JJ" stored my little enclosed trailer for me and said he would drop it off later this week. I can then unload RZR, gas cans, tool box, sand tires, etc. etc. and store then in enclosed trailer. No one else on the lot............and there's a "For Sale" sign on it. Guess the little old lady from Michigan is tired of dealing with her lots and wants to move herself to an RV Park. Less hassle for a little old granny lady who is older than me!

That's about it...........we arrived safe and sound, although a little lighter in the wallet from our Laughlin excusion. So it goes. Later. W&B