Monday, October 3, 2011

Heat's Gone........Now Freezing...........

our buns off! Well, not quite; but, it's been dipping into the 50s the last few days and even had a few sprinkles this morning.

Still waiting for new M/H jack from Winnebago.........called the shop and they don't know nothing except it "should be here shortly". Yeah right. It's not critical since I generally just use the front jacks to level things up.........depends on how one parks.

Got two more dental appointments to take care of.........Becky done with doctor visits so we're getting closer to heading South. Right now I think "leave date" will be around the week of the 24th..........unless temps drop in Yuma before then. Gotta start rounding up goodies that we'll take with us..........fortunately I can put a bunch of stuff on the trailer with the RZR; but, still gotta put it together in one pile for loading. That outta keep me busy for the next couple of weeks.

Think we're going to Woodland next weekend for the Twerp's BD and probably for the other Twerp's football game. Cassidy has BD too in a couple of weeks............have to remember to send her a dollar. That's about it for us. W&B

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