Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Still Hot, Still Nothing..........

happening in Corning. We (I) travel from one air conditioned spot to air conditioned car to air conditioned store, to air conditioned car and back to air conditioned house............and then do a repeat the following day. Looks like I'm in a rut!

Becky, on the other hand, doesn't think it's hot until temp reaches upper 90s.

Found water leak in bathroom the other day.........leak is back in the wall so it looks like "plumber time"..............that'll put a dent in our gambling funds.

Went to "old folks" breakfast this morning and slots beat me up again for the third trip in a row...........looks like I'd learn my lesson; but, I doubt if I do. After breakfast we headed to Red Bluff and back home now basking with A/C.

Put my Honda car up for sale on Craig's List; but, not too many nibbles..........received one offer for half my asking price and then another guy wanted to put $500 down and make payments. Told them both I didn't think so! Guess I'll go down to the dollar store for some "For Sale" signs and park it in the street. That's the way we sold Becky's Pontiac.

Well, that's about it for us since nothing exciting seems to happen in Corning. W&B

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