Friday, March 20, 2009

Back From Tombstone...........

on Thursday afternoon. Arrived there on Tuesday morning and checked in with the visitor's center. Becky was soooo happppy 'cause she met a "real" cowboy who was manning the counter. After that we headed toward the OK Corral, paid our $9.00 that got us into the various areas of the corral. We had tickets for the 1400 Gun Fight so just browsed around and took some pictures before the big gunfight. The Corral was made up of various replicas of Tombstone back in the 1880s. If you double click the images they might show up large enough for you to read the signs. Bottom three pictures represent the "cribs" where the old time hookers conducted their "business"......they even had to purchase a business license.......cost $5.00 for one month.
Picture in upper left supposedly was the gal that Wyatt Earp married, next picture is "Big Nose Kate", Doc Holiday's girlfriend. Some of the local pinups back in those days. Inside they have an area were the members of the gunfight stand. You can press a button and hear a description of the gunfight and the figures move their arms and appear to shoot their opponents. Big Nose Kate was said to have observed the gunfight from her room which was overlooking the gunfight area. Outside her room is a picture of Big Nose Kate. See any resemblance between "B" and Kate?

There are various gunfights going on in town............and you have to pay to see every one of them. We were killing some time so bought tickets ($4.00 with Old Folks Discount) to see a "Comedy Shootout". It killed some time......if it wasn't for the Gal it wouldn't have been very funny. She kept things moving with her high pitched voice and incessant drivel. I grew weary of her constant chatter and asked the bad guy to just "shoot her". He didn't at the time; but, he did shoot her later. The Good Guy Sheriff, with the White Hat, supposedly appeared in a number of old western films. Can't remember his name; but, he did kinda look familar. Here's a couple of signs posted on the buildings...........should have the politician sign posted everywhere in the free world. Before the gunfight began we met Wyatt and Virgil sitting on main street so Becky had her picture taken with them. Wyatt was on her left and Virgil on her right. The guy who plays Virgil writes computer software as his real job.

These are pictures taken during the 28 second shootout between Earps, Doc Holiday and the Clanton's and Mclaurys. Three bad guys were mortally wounded, three good guys were wounded, one bad guy ran away and Wyatt Earp escaped without a scratch. It was kinda interesting.

We took a trolley ride (another $4.00) and the guide pointed out various places of interest. The old courthouse was built at a cost of $50,000.00 and is now an Arizona State Park.........yup you guess it, $4.00 to get in. They had a gallows built out in the courtyard......I guess I didn't take any pictures of it???? Becky got a picture of me and my Uncle Geronimo and they had various displays in front of some of the tourist traps. We did find time to do some geocaching...........I think we found a total of 15. One cache was rather unique...........the area had four posts with skulls attached to them. In the center of the display was a coffin containing the ammo can cache and a decomposed skeleton. And it didn't even cost $4.00 to find it............although I managed to pinstripe the Suzuki driving to it.
It was a fun three days and we did manage to get over to Bisbee also on Thursday morning. We arrived too late to tour the Queen Ann Silver Mine............I didn't believe it when I read the brochure that reservations were recommended. Anyway we got back to Tombstone and Becky still toured a silver mine they had there. I didn't go because of the number of steps needed to get in and out of the mine so went over to their bar. No one was there and the owner of the mine came by and gave me a coke..............."GAVE" me a coke. The only freebie I found during the our stay.
Motel didn't have internet service........we stopped by the wifi but they would let you use one of their computers. We passed so this is my first post since getting back yesterday.
About another week here and we'll be heading's starting to get warm ..... 90s!!

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