Monday, October 22, 2007

Gas Prices Still Climbing Here......................

so it must be time to leave. Seems like gas takes a big hike when we're trying to leave the country...............or do we just notice the increases the closer it gets to departure time??

As you've probably updates recently. That's 'cause we haven't been doing anything except our daily run to the casino to keep my red brothers from starving, grabbing an occasional geocache, keeping doctor appointments, Costco shopping and enjoying weather. Right now it's 83 deg., sun is out, no rain in sight, hardly a breeze blowing and leaves are turning their autumn colors. Time to leave. We'd be on the road except we're still hanging around waiting for Becky's new computer to arrive and I have some prescriptions that are "in the mail". Did a little shopping today in Red Bluff. Since we're taking the Rhino to AZ I'm going to be hauling more "junk" with us......make that "necessary junk", i.e. extra tools, jack, impact wrench, etc. etc. we found a nice big, lockable, heavy duty work box that I can strap onto the trailer. Was in the process of filling it up when I was overcome by the 83 deg. heat wave so had to take a break and while I was kicking back I figured it would be a good time to post a blog note.

We hope to be gone in time to spend Halloween in Yuma.........if not, no biggy. Well, back to the old grind. Probably won't make another post until we leave....or else win the lotto.

Later, W&B

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