Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pics From Halloween..........

It's Halloween.........B O O............

Well we finally got underway today; but, we only made it 96 miles. Stopped in Woodland to visit Steve, Rhonda and the Twerps and to do some trick or treatin. Becky managed to scare a few little kids.........and she wasn't even in costume.....but we didn't get very much candy, maybe enough to last until we get to Yuma. Gonna take our time on the road and figure we should arrive about Sunday.......that is, if we don't find any casinos on the way. We're going to steer clear of Las Vegas. Found a place to stay in the Foothills but we're only good for November and December and then we'll be homeless. Maybe it's time to see how long we can last in the desert. (??) Taking the Rhino and trailer so we kinda have a problem with staying in RV place to store the extra goodies in a lot of them. No biggie as something will turn up. Will keep you updated on our journey if we can find some wifi hot spots. Later. W&B

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday Afternoon And..............

we're still hanging around Corning. Hopefully computer will arrive early next week and we can be on our way south. Had another sick kid in Woodland, Jace this time, so we loaded up the MH and drove down late Thursday evening. Since he had strep-throat we figured he'd be down and out for another day or so. We were prepared to sit on the baby and give Ma a break.........if going to work is a break. Anyway, we pulled in Thursday evening and the twerp was all set to go to school on Friday! Wished I could recover that quickly with a little shot of anti-biotics. Today was "go to the pumpkin patch" day........since we've been there and done that we passed on this trip and headed for Corning when everyone else went searching for the next great pumpkin. Going into withdrawals since we haven't see the inside of the casino for two whole days. Becky made grocery run while I watched football so guess we'll go out and see if my red brothers are feeling generous today. We've decided that we'll both start eating "right" on Monday so we might stop for some Mexican chow on the way home. A new restaurant opened in town and we tried it a week ago. Not too shabby.............that's saying a lot from I'm willing to give it another go. Besides, it was relatively inexpensive and we can pig out two more times before Monday. Later...........we're both more than ready to hit the road! B&W

Monday, October 22, 2007

Gas Prices Still Climbing Here......................

so it must be time to leave. Seems like gas takes a big hike when we're trying to leave the country...............or do we just notice the increases the closer it gets to departure time??

As you've probably updates recently. That's 'cause we haven't been doing anything except our daily run to the casino to keep my red brothers from starving, grabbing an occasional geocache, keeping doctor appointments, Costco shopping and enjoying weather. Right now it's 83 deg., sun is out, no rain in sight, hardly a breeze blowing and leaves are turning their autumn colors. Time to leave. We'd be on the road except we're still hanging around waiting for Becky's new computer to arrive and I have some prescriptions that are "in the mail". Did a little shopping today in Red Bluff. Since we're taking the Rhino to AZ I'm going to be hauling more "junk" with us......make that "necessary junk", i.e. extra tools, jack, impact wrench, etc. etc. we found a nice big, lockable, heavy duty work box that I can strap onto the trailer. Was in the process of filling it up when I was overcome by the 83 deg. heat wave so had to take a break and while I was kicking back I figured it would be a good time to post a blog note.

We hope to be gone in time to spend Halloween in Yuma.........if not, no biggy. Well, back to the old grind. Probably won't make another post until we leave....or else win the lotto.

Later, W&B

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Back in Corning....................

this afternoon after speed run to WA. Got my tooth fixed, had early celebration of the Cassidy Twerp's BD, picked up Rhino after Doug and Johnny (Johnny mostly) installed a new drive belt so will be taking it to Yuma this year. One more Dr. appointment on the 19th, Becky still waiting for computer delivery and we can be ready to head south anytime after that. Still no place to stay, although we can rent a lot in the Foothills for Nov/Dec but they are full up after that.

Passed, and got passed, by a bunch of snowbirds heading south while driving down I-5 today. Everything on the road from mini-vans to those $300K rigs; different sizes and shapes but all with the some objective in mind...........get the hell away from the winter COLD.

Gotta start in earnest tomorrow to get the M/H ready to roll. A whole bunch of cubby holes need to be cleaned out, I'm sure I'll find some stuff we've been carrying around "just in case we need it" that can be eliminated.

Later sports fans! W&B

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thursday............And I Wasn't Having Too...............

fun this a root canal taken care of, actually it wasn't too bad, the old doc was pretty fast and, hopefully, thorough. I was told I'd have to return to have a permanent filling done by the doc took care of everything so I don't have to return. Becky, Louise and Tag set off to make their fortunes at the casino. I'm not sure how everyone fared but Becky won $100.00 in a slot tournament plus another $18.00 on the slots.

I'm thinking we'll be heading for Arizona about the end of October. No plans for staying anywhere; but, it should be early enough that we won't have any problems finding a place to hole up for the winter.

That' about it for now. W&B

Monday, October 8, 2007

WOW!! Time Sorta Flies...............Even......

when you're doing nothing. "B" was under the weather for a few days last week so we spent most of the week close to the old homestead. Ventured out a couple of times to do a little geocaching........quite a few sprouted up while we were gone and I think we've added 7 or 8 more to our list. Stopped and gave my red brothers some assistance.....although while we left today with some of their money they still have managed to get into our goody locker. Louise and Tag, from Hawaii, will be showing up tomorrow. Tag has been in the Redding area for awhile and Louise is the one who is actually arriving at Sacramento tomorrow evening.

Have a doctor appointment at VA in Chico on October 19 and after that we should be good to go south for the winter. Kinda hate to leave CA right now, the days have been dry and tempertures in the 70s. Just checked Yuma and they're still having low 90 temps. Got an email from a year-around resident in Yuma and he said the weather was GREAT! I guess low 90s is pretty good when you've been subjected to triple digits throughout the summer.

Well, just a note to let people know that we're still alive. Blog updates should pick up when we hit the road again. It won't be long. W&B