Saturday, March 31, 2012

Last Day of March and.................

we're outta Yuma, heading for Corning. Only got as far as Bullhead City and we stopped at the Avi Casino for the night. Just had dinner, gambled............then gambled some more. "B" must have lost 'cause she isn't counting her monies in her "gambling fund". When she wins she always counts it and makes sure I know how much gambling money she has for the next trip. I paid for dinner, gambled, lost at Keno; but, still have money left over from the slots, after paying for dinner, to spring for breakfast and try my luck again.

We're only going to Las Vegas tomorrow for two days and that's only about 135 or so miles so we can get a late start. Doug, Tami and the Twerps are flying down for spring break so we'll spend a day and a half with them before heading North on Tuesday. Since I didn't win the big Mega Bucks I guess I gotta get lucky in Vegas to pay for RV repairs I had done today. I discovered the bit of sippage in the cubby hole from the Black Water...............yeah it had to be that side. I tightened up the clamps and when I checked this morning it was still seeping.............not a pretty sight. I called some Old Dude up and he said he was "on a job"............I told I didn't care what it cost, I needed it fixed 'cause I was leaving "today". He said, $100 for the service call and $100 per hour. I told him "just fix it" Well, the rubber connection had cracked so tightening up the clamps didn't help. Well, $206 later we were on the road..............the replacement part cost $6.00. So, gotta get lucky in Las Vegas...............gambling that is.

Kinda cooled down in BHC so guess we'll kick back and watch the tube for awhile. Good WiFi connection at RV Park so "B" is happy and my satellite dish is least on half the channels.

KOA at Circus Circus tomorrow. W&B

Friday, March 23, 2012

Just Trying To Stay Cool...............

as temps approach 90. It's time to GO. Think we have another play day on Sunday and then it's time to pack up all the junk and head back to rain storms. Still checking on weather between Reno and Sacramento; but, doesn't look like we wanna try that route. Hate to get to Reno and find that "chains required" getting over the mountain.

Got a friend leaving on Sunday for Las Vegas and then he'll travel through Nevada to get to Portland. Maybe he can give me a better idea of what the Reno/Sacramento roads will be like.

In the meantime we'll probably make a commissary list and stock up on goodies that are way cheaper down here and won't take up too much space.

Damn battery on the RZR went belly month after warranty expired.............isn't that the way it always goes? Might take a little run down the Bombing Range to see if we can find some more cactus blooming and give "B" some more photo ops. Other than that we'll continue to kick back for the next 8 or 9 days. W&B

Monday, March 12, 2012

Yeah, Yeah........I Know........

.....ain't posted nuttin for a loong time. That's cause nutting has been happening, no earthquakes, no snow storms, no lightening strikes, no flash floods, no nothing except we're in a "heat wave" that appears to have no end in sight. Gonna be 82-84 degrees for the rest of the month and then it starts to get warmer. Just checked at home and it's raining..........and gonna be raining for the rest of the month. What's a poor soul to do???

Well, the first weekend of the month I had two "old" friends visit Yuma...........went to high school with both of them and one I hadn't seen since 1958 when we graduated from Boot Camp together. Saw the other one about a year ago as he lives on the California coast. Boy do they look "OLD"...........unlike me. We had a good time reliving high school days in Falls City, Nebraska. Becky just sat and took it all in.........I think she was taking notes at first and then realized that we were all little "angels" when we were in high school so there was no "dirt" to reflect back on. Took them on a mini tour of Yuma and then on Sunday we took a 110 mile roundtrip into the desert. Loooonnng day but they found the desert are starting to bloom and we even found a few cactus with nice blooms starting. All in all a pretty good day............we headed South as far as we could drive on the Barry Goldwater Bombing Range as we wanted to get a look at "The Fence". Unfortunately we couldn't drive to it as we had done in the past..........found a nice road with a big sign that read "For Official Use Only" and I chickened out from driving any further. Big fine awaits those who tread where they shouldn't so we passed on Da Fence. One guy lives in Texas and if gas prices drop back down to 1955 levels (17 cents a gallon) we might head back that way. In the meantime I won't hold my breath.

Still looking to get out of here the end of the month so I outta get started on throwing things away and packing things up. Can't do it all in a day. I got my little enclosed trailer to load up with things we don't have to haul back with us and a friend gave me a parking spot at his house. They are winter visitors also; but, instead of RVing it they have a place down will park at his place and fill the trailer up with goodies I got laying around..........we kinda look like the "Grapes of Wrath" with stuff I haul back and forth.

Haven't decided on a route home yet..........I'd kinda like to travel North in Nevada to Reno; but, crossing over the mountains from Reno to Sacramento in early April can be tricky. Most of the time chains are required to be carried with you even if you don't have to use them. In the end we'll probably go the Southern route to Bakersfield and then North on I-5. That eliminates Las Vegas which is probably a good thing.

Will check the local movies to see if anything is interesting...........that'll give us a couple of hours out of this heat wave. Later.....probably much later. W&B