Saturday, August 27, 2011

As you can tell.............

by the lack of Blogging..........not a hellava lot going on in Corning!

Our friends, Frank and Suz, were here for about a week and now they are on the Loniest Highway (50) heading East in Nevada. While they were here they were able to drive down the road about 90 miles to visit Suzannah's brother and we did spend a little time caching and made a few runs to the casino.

Damn hot weather has returned so that slows me down quite a bit...........better to stay in the A/C if possible. Got a dentist and some doctor appointments out of the way and then I get a call from the orthopedic doc who wanted to check my knee that he fixed last year. Get him out of the way and hopefully no more doctor appointments until we're getting ready to leave for the winter. Doc who did my gall bladder ses everything doing great..........come back and see him if I have any problems. Hope I don't see him for a looooong time.

Been giving some business to my "Red Brothers", win a little bit, lose a little bit and staying about even...........good thing I'm about "even" 'cause I need the money.

Olive festival in full swing this last week; but, too hot to take in the festivities, even missed the "Mixer" and last night they had a parade; but, didn't attend that either. Today activities at a park about 1/2 miles away and we might amble over that way later..........Becky always sees people whom she hasn't seen in quite a while so it's a nice social event for her. We met some people (at the casino, where else?) who also spend the winters in Yuma and of course we all marveled at how we never run into each other down there. Different activities I guess.

Well, guess we'll go check out the events at the park. Later. W&B

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday, I Think.............

we got home on Monday afternoon, partially unloaded the M/H and Tuesday I made it to my dental appointment. Got a tooth prepared for a new crown. Then Frank and Suzannah pulled into Corning about mid afternoon. Got their rig set up and off to the casino for Old Folks dinner.

Not exactly the best time for them to arrive, or for us to get home for that matter, as the old temp has been hovering in the low 90s..........with more heat to come over the next few days. Today we did a little geocaching then Becky and Sue had hair appointments and Frank and I hauled the trailer back out to our friend's place where we park it when not in use. Becky and Suz finally got home mid difference in their appearance and we thought they would return home looking "gorgous".

This evening was "wallet day" at the casino so Becky and I headed back to the casino, stood in line for about an hour and walked out of there with out wallets, both of which contained $5.00. Just like working in the good old day..........five dollars an hour!

Tomorrow is Old Folks breakfast and then Friday or Saturday Suz and Frank will drive down the road about 90 miles to visit her brother and stay for a couple of days. Becky and I "might" head for all depends on what the Woodland kids have scheduled for the weekend...............fair week in Woodland and we're just about "faired" out so haven't decided what we wanna do.

All for now. W&B

Friday, August 12, 2011

SHOWTIME At The Fair Today...............

and here are the results of the competition.............. The kids, Cassidy, Chelsea, Hailey and Trace, received the Top Herdsmen Award for keeping a well maintained home for their cows. (I guess Moms and Pops can share in the award too!) The M&M Milkshakers, their first year as an independent 4-H Club, did an awesome job this year. More about their awards follows........

On to the competition and in the Intermediate Class Cassidy received the top award........Intermediate Champion for Fitting and Showing, Hailey, in the same class, received a Blue Ribbon. Good Job Cassidy!

Chelsea and Trace competed in the Junior Class and Chelsea received the Junior Champion for Fitting and Showing. Trace competed in the same class and received a Blue Ribbon. Way To Go Chelsea!

All of the kids worked long and hard to reach this point and their hard work paid off.........Congratulations to All!

Trace's cow, Peanut, showed up to compete against all the 4-H cows for the entire fair........and guess what, Peanut was awarded the Reserve Senior Champion! A Fine Job turned in by Trace and Peanut.

It was a long day and Becky and I gave it up about 1700 and returned to the motor home. One more fair day tomorrow and then Becky and I will be heading back to California on Sunday. Check Becky's Blog for more pics...........I'll probably post a few more of the kids/cows in action later. W&B

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Official Fair Day Today............

and I started out by taking pictures of the M&M Milkshakers area of the dairy barn. Looked pretty good to me and there is an award for the "Best Decorated"; but, won't know who won that until tomorrow.......or maybe Friday. Anyway, Tami gets thumbs up for all her hard work making up the decorations.............I'm sure she didn't get much help in making them.

Took some more pics of the kids working before the masses arrived. We were still at the M/H this morning and we get a phone call......or text or something........ asking us to get an inner tube for one of the wheel barrows. Seems that they came up with a flat somehow or other. We got the tube and Dug fixed the tire before things really got busy.

Becky and I took a little break at 1400 to watch the Truck and Tractor pull preliminaries. They were kinda of interesting and some old fart who was 75 drove the tractor in pic #3. I think he was the crowd favorite. The big multi engined tractors were a sight to watch and they completely overpowered the short track..........and they left us about half deaf. Fun to watch.

The restrooms in the Exhibition building are kept pretty clean........think they are the best kept secret at the fair! About 1800 we went to watch a K-9 show...........all German Shepherds. One came out wearing sun glasses and they put on quite a demostration of attacking crooks and finding drugs. Also fun to watch.

The kids got in a little bit of practice before they put the cows to bed for the night. It was about 2030 before we left the fair...........after having a deli sandwich. Also managed to get in our milkshakes, baked potatoes and other junk food. Will do it all again tomorrow! W&B

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Took Twerps to Fair Yesterday.........

so they could enjoy the rides, food, etc. before their work starts on Wednesday. Also had a wrist band for Becky so she could ride least on the rides that she could climb up into. Kept telling the kids that they had to help the Old Granny Lady get in and out of the rides............sometimes they remembered; but, more often then not they were off the ride and running to the next one. Old Granny did a pretty good job of keeping up with them though. I becme the "official" cap, cotton candy, purse holder for the group. I did a good job!

Becky has been doing a great job of keeping up with her Blog and I haven't done much with mine. Check her Blog for more fair stuff.

Later...........looks like we'll be attending the fair daily until we leave on Sunday. W&B

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Still In Lincoln City..........

and enjoying the weather!! Upper 60s and sunshine. Still pigging out on fish n chips, gambling at casino, picking up a few caches yesterday and generally just loafing the days away. Casino will keep us in fish n chips until we leave.........unless I hit an unlucky streak. Yesterday I left with over $160.00 of their money, maybe I outta just stay away until next year. Probably won't though.

Been trying to call Paradise Point to see if we can come back a day earlier; but, so far haven't received a return call. Park Rangers probably out mowing weeds. If I can't get a hold of them looks like we'll have to stick to our original schedule and go back on Friday. No biggie, just wanted to get back so we could take in opening day of the Clark County Fair.

Think we'll take in Cowboys and Aliens this afternoon........critics only give it a 3 star rating and Captain America was given 4 1/2 stars! We really didn't think much of Capt Am. so maybe we'll enjoy C & A since the critics don't think too much of it.

That's about it for now......more later. W&B

Monday, August 1, 2011

Finally Arrived At Devil's Lake State Park...........

this afternoon and should be here until Friday.........then back to Paradise Point for the Clark County Fair..........then back to Corning around the 15th..........then to Yuma about the end of October.

Nice to have unlimited water and electricity and a place to dump after living at Sand Lake and the parking lot of Chinook Winds for awhile. Only BAD thing is I don't have my satellite TV!!! To damn many trees here and can't get a Sat signal. I hooked up to cable TV in the park; but, I can't get the TV to go out and find all the channels that are available. Spent an hour connecting and unconnecting cables, cussing DISH network out; or, at least the new receiver I have. Finally, I was able to get the local channels and nothing more.........and two of them are shopping channels! Oh well, I was going blind from watching TV anyway.

Only good news is...........the casino, so far, has been keeping us in Fish 'N Chips.........or at least paying for them. Got to our fish place too late this afternoon for clam chowder..........they must have had a big run on the chowder during lunch time. Gotta stop by a little earlier tomorrow. If you ever get to Lincoln City you gotta try the Fish 'n Chips and Clam Chowder at "J's".........a little hole in the wall that serves the best damn fish and clam chowder on the Oregon Coast!! Still got 3 more days of getting our "fix" so will enjoy for a while longer.

Computer kinda slow; but, will download some caches to occupy our time has been just outstanding the last 6 days and will continue to be in the upper 60s for the next several days. Sure as heck beats the hell out of triple digit temps. Will probably try to find some easy caches the next day or so. More later if anything interesting happens...................other than great weather and pigging out on fish and chips! W&B